I have creative ADD.

I'm a very hands-on producer.

James McAvoy is not an action star.

We're all human beings; people make mistakes.

We always love actors taking unexpected turns.

That's what makes live TV exciting - the unknown!

Good direction is often based on the ability to communicate.

Music has a way of getting inside all of us and lifting us up.

Adaptations, especially movie musicals, are really hard to do.

Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed about working in the theater.

As much as I love storytelling, I've always been drawn to talent.

I'm lucky that I get to do the bigger movies and the smaller movies.

The themes and ideas embedded in 'Into the Woods' always spoke to me.

Watching familiar characters take unexpected turns is very appealing.

With 'Shinobi,' we hope to make a film that honors the essence of the games.

'Defying Gravity' is a big, theatrical, grand gesture. In film, how do you match that?

I don't think anyone can ever predict a phenomenon. It's not something you can bank on.

'A Christmas Carol' and 'It's a Wonderful Life,' are movies we love with magic in them.

I saw 'Into the Woods' maybe 26 times in various incarnations. I'm very familiar with it.

I have a certain kind of a taste for what will make a good movie or a good play or theater.

If we members of the Jewish community don't support the Jewish organizations, nobody else will.

It was just the DNA of my family. Giving back didn't feel like an entitlement; it was an obligation.

One of the secrets of 'A Christmas Story' is that it's a relatable story. They feel like our family.

The further you get up the corporate ladder, the farther you get from the actual filmmaking process.

Musicals have long given voice to outsiders and speak of experiences in our culture and environment.

Stephen Sondheim is calculus for actors. The words are witty and brilliant and profound but complicated.

Navigating the studio system has its own challenges, and, as a producer, you want to be astute and clever.

As a producer, it's your job to bang on the table and convince studio heads why great movies should be made.

Many actors in films are willing to go to Broadway, and screenwriters are writing plays. It's almost commonplace.

Thankfully, as much as Hollywood is interested in brands, I think people are still looking for originality and freshness.

As a producer, when you get to work with a filmmaker who is joyful about making films, you want to do it again and again.

I want my projects to be great, of course. The talent has to come from a diverse pool. Because that's the world we live in.

The film world is always looking for great source material, and Broadway has traditionally and historically been a place to go.

It's hard to get an inner dialogue in a film. It's not cinematic. But in a musical, the character can just turn to the audience and sing.

The notion of someone who is fitting in or trying to become part of a larger family... It's hard to separate that from my own Jewish roots.

You've got Marvel films, sequels, franchise movies, so much noise out there. You're trying to brand your entertainment. The musical is its own brand.

When a writer gets a second chance to look back on something, it's a great opportunity to say, 'Hey, this is really good, but we can do it even better.'

I always believe that a good story will find its audience and that it will attract different kinds of elements of creative people who will make it more compelling.

I loved being a film executive. But something was always missing for me. I always had the feeling that I was looking over my shoulder - what's going on on Broadway?

I do love being amongst creative people and facilitating that and being inspired by people. I get very bored with just competence and require inspiration all around me.

'Wicked' has been one of the biggest hits in Los Angeles theatre history, and we are thrilled that theatergoers here have embraced the musical and welcomed us so heartily.

I love getting up in the morning. I love coming to my office. I love going to movie sets. It's really what every parent wishes for their kid - to do what makes them happy.

I think too many people in Hollywood perhaps fail to make a distinction between the political side of Israel and the notion of the country. And they can be separate things.

The theme of 'A Christmas Story' is that you can count on Christmas - that everybody has a Christmas story. Everybody has that time in the holiday season that they remember.

There's certain people you want to see in comedies; there's certain people you just want to see in dramas. Not that there aren't individuals who do both, but it's not everyone.

TV has the unique opportunity to take musicals, live events, so it has that feeling and excitement and spontaneity, but still has a camera between you and what you are watching.

My personal challenge is always balance. My life has a lot of compartments to it, and I care about each of them deeply. So I wake up each day thinking, 'How am I going to balance today?'

Good movies beget other good movies. So when a movie captures the imagination and hearts of people around the world, it's going to have a positive influence on similar genres getting made.

Some of the metaphors you find in 'Wicked' - how those in power can exploit fear in others to maintain their power - I think, as Jews, we've seen that historically on more than one occasion.

What makes 'A Christmas Story' universal, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, is that you recognize that family... It's ultimately about a family being glued together for the holiday season.

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