Convictions do not imply reasons.

Home is the best place to be sick in.

Anger as well as love casts out fear.

One must desire something to be alive.

You can't have genius without patience.

Nothing may be more selfish than remorse.

moral vanity is the snare of good people.

Real divorce takes place without a decree.

nothing is as conventional as adolescence.

Every new truth begins in a shocking heresy.

Nobody who is somebody looks down on anybody.

When did Youth ever thank Age for its wisdom?

Weakness is a great bully without knowing it.

Hearts don't come when Reason whistles to 'em.

Nature is perfectly impartial. Brain has no sex!

As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it.

If you are kind to an enemy, you cannot hate him.

Habit does much to reconcile us to unpleasantness.

... safety that depends on an apron-string is very unsafe!

When two duties jostle each other, one of 'em isn't a duty.

silence is very moving to youth, for who knows what it hides?

When one promise jostles another, one of 'em isn't a promise.

Lawyers make their cake by cooking up other people's troubles.

The fact is, the secret of happiness is the sense of proportion.

There isn't any virtue where there has never been any temptation.

the attempt to break a habit of years is necessarily experimental.

I have no faith in a human critter who hasn't one or two bad habits.

Grief is the price Love pays for being in the same world with Death.

The insolence of time is like a blow in the face from an unseen enemy.

men love their wives not because of their virtues, but in spite of them.

Fighting should be left to dogs and cats and chickens, who can't reason.

A letter is a risky thing; the writer gambles on the reader's frame of mind.

We've all of us got to meet the devil alone. Temptation is a lonely business.

Conscience that isn't hitched up to common sense is a mighty dangerous thing.

a short cut to matrimonial unhappiness is not to have the same taste in jokes!

Truth is like heat or light; its vibrations are endless, and are endlessly felt.

I have heard that a man might be his own lawyer, but you can't be your own judge.

there couldn't be war, unless lies were believed. War has to be nourished by lies.

it's better to be crazy on one point and happy, than sane on all points and unhappy.

... some of the things floating about in the Well of Memory are not worth recording.

Self-sacrifice which denies common sense is not a virtue. It's a spiritual dissipation.

conceit is the devil's horse, and reformers generally ride it when they are in a hurry.

a manufactured interest has no staying quality - especially if it involves any hard work.

A pint can't hold a quart - if it holds a pint it is doing all that can be expected of it.

Books are like sapphires; they must be polished - polished! or else you insult your readers.

In connection with death, or birth, or love, modesty is only a rather puerile self-consciousness.

One must desire something to be alive; perhaps absolute satisfaction is only another name for Death.

I've always thought the law ought to put on spectacles, it has mighty poor eyesight once in a while.

It is useless to deny that, unless one has a genius for imparting knowledge, teaching is a drudgery.

I notice that when people have no sense of responsibility, you call them either criminals or geniuses.

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