You have to have a little faith in people.

Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body.

My problems aren't so different from anybody else.

How you live your life can affect your mental state.

I think we should be passionately curious about what we do.

There's nothing beautiful about somebody killing themselves.

I use nothing but homeopathic remedies, for my girls as well.

Whatever it is that you do in your life, you're your own guide.

Finding some quiet time in your life, I think, is hugely important.

We're taught to take care of people we love, but sometimes you can't.

Mental health and mental balance is critical to leading a healthy life.

We live in a society that is afraid of ways of being it doesn't understand.

I believe that everybody comes from pain and a certain amount of dysfunction.

I'm not that old, and I haven't lived a life so far from the ordinary, really.

Maybe in any art you have to be wholly you in the context of whatever you're doing.

It's not that I don't believe in miracles, but I never quite trust that they're real.

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.

I thought my book was done, then we went to Hawaii and the whole last chapter happened.

I say to people, keep it simple. If you want to change your food, change your breakfast.

I think it’s the misperception of addiction and living life on the edge, as if it’s cool.

I don't take myself terribly seriously. It's why I can be incredibly honest about my life.

Living a simpler life has turned out to be one of the keys to being more awake and healthy.

I think talent, especially in acting, is being wholly yourself within the context of yourself.

Once you take care of yourself, you become the example, and then everybody around you can change.

The prevalence of mental illness compels me to give it - and the people suffering from it - a voice.

Each second is a second you can make a new choice, a better choice, a healthy choice, a present choice.

Starting out in a beginner class and really understanding the fundamentals of yoga is really important.

Sometimes you can't see your way out. The "dark night of the soul" - it's a reality for many, many people.

I don't have to go to church. The church is within me and the experience is my own. It's my life experience.

I think that growth and spiritual awareness come in slow increments. Sometimes you don't know it's happening.

Lets try to come to a place of compassion about mental illness, in all its forms, and help each other find healing.

If you're an addict, if you drink and you're putting a depressant into your body, it's going to cause serious problems.

If you don't step across the threshold of what you already know into the world of challenges, you never truly measure yourself.

I really believe that we all have the ability to come out of our story. But you have to tell your story first in order to come out of it.

Even with mental health as well as physical health, it's about taking responsibility and knowing that you're part of the solution always.

I enjoyed doing Lipstick, but it scared me. I was very nervous. I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was very real, and I was just a kid.

I've suffered from pretty dark depressing times, and it's probably - not probably - it is the reason why I chose to lead a healthy lifestyle.

There's no doctor in a white coat that's going to save you, or a system or a pill - it's always going to be you and the choices that you make.

People can sense you lying on the camera, they can smell it. They know when you're not telling the truth. Then it does become reality-show bullshit.

I was taken by the romanticism of being thought of as an adult and living in a world that was completely new to me. I fell in love with acting then.

You can turn just about any simple act into a practice of mindfulness, and it will nurture and nourish you; it will start your day off in a positive way.

I began by doing physical yoga, initially just for the workout, as exercise. I would get peaceful and calm at the end of it, and I was curious about that.

Well, I was passionately curious about what my body was doing, and when I got the lessons on how to meditate, it seemed really solid to me. It seemed real.

Cancer came back into my life twice in order for me to understand something, and I guess I still wasn't getting it. And my husband wasn't getting it, either.

What they were giving me seemed incredibly real to me, so I'd react to it in a very real way. That was frightening for me, especially because of the subject.

Self-Realization Fellowship seemed like training. It was the training ground for finding a sense of peace in myself. Because that's my job. It's no one else's.

Manhattan, though, was an entirely different ballgame in a whole different kind of world, with a man who was brilliant and at the same time terribly charismatic.

When child actors act well they're just reacting to situations, and they're acting very real because their life experience is so short; there's no history to fall back on.

I wanted out of my pain and that silliness, but I wanted an easy out. That's before realizing that there is no easy out. Before accepting that you just have to do the work.

What I wasn't prepared for were the feelings of anxiety that it stirred in me. I wasn't prepared for the initial feeling of I don't want to have to do that again. I was scared.

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