Grief is not graceful.

I can't lose my spontaneity.

I'd make a terrible therapist.

I'm a firm believer in therapy.

It's hard to be a long-distance mother.

My family is really a classy 'Simpsons.'

My life was a legacy of death and humor.

I've been keeping journals since I was a kid.

It's nice to be thought of as soft and sensual.

If I could change two things, it would be my chest.

Mariette is a nickname. My real name is Mary Loretta.

I would be nowhere without my mistakes. I rely on them.

Nobody knew I could do comedy until I started Polaroid.

Dad was a hunter and had guns in the house all the time.

Our deepest wounds when integrated become our greatest power.

My household, as I was growing up, was a house of hidden shame.

I enjoy live television a lot, but I'm not crazy about the hours.

My mother's father was the behavioral psychologist, John B. Watson.

It's much easier to do a TV series because an actress can stay put.

There wasn't exactly a plethora of physical affection in our family.

I'm at my best when I'm thrown, even though I don't like to be thrown.

A lot of people in show business don't know what I'm capable of doing.

My father was a farm boy who never learned to be holding and supportive.

I was very much a character actress. But I've never stopped doing theater.

Humility is a very tough thing to have, especially when you're a tough guy.

I'm impulsive, spontaneous; I have a joy in my life today that doesn't quit.

A few good compliments produce a wealth of good and often financial benefits.

During the years I was growing up, I was trying very hard to be a regular person.

I don't even consider it therapy anymore. I consider it availing myself of a guide.

My karma doesn't seem to be a big screen karma: it's definitely a little-screen karma.

Bipolar disorder is something that is mine. And it is very difficult to talk about it.

I consider myself an articulate actor, and I don't consider myself a second-tier actor.

Success in a career sometimes comes in strange ways. You grab it in whatever way it happens.

I'd say Bill Bixby's character in 'Beantown' is Tom Brokaw with a heart and a sense of humor.

I've been able to survive a lot of things, and I am especially interested in survivor stories.

I really don't know how women in television news do the job. It's a very male-oriented business.

I think my strength as a performer is my ability to straddle the fence between comedy and tragedy.

I had married, had a child. I was content to stay at home. I had let go of the fantasy of stardom.

I feel my free-est when I don't know where I'm going, when I'm not scripted, and doing crazy things.

I've tried to tone down some of my peppiness, but for those who don't like it, just as many do like it.

Well, thank God I have this face, and it's a believable face, and that also seems to be my acting style.

I love those kinds of parts that don't seem to be huge but they really strike a chord with the audience.

It was a joy to do something sensual and sexy. It was exciting. I don't get many of those types of roles.

When you sing, you're releasing so much more than you are when you're speaking. You risk more as a singer.

I've never done a musical before. I've sung, off and on, all of my life. But I have never, ever done a musical.

Once we make the commitment to help ourselves, we are able to help others - and the universe supports our commitments.

I'm in the public eye, so I have a responsibility as an actress to my generation. I think that's what acting's all about.

I'm always in Jamaica in my fantasies. We have a home there, and it's my special spiritual place where I get re-nourished.

I wanted to put my present joy in the context of all the past pain, to show that there really is light at the end of the tunnel.

After I played the frigid doctor on the 'Peyton Place' series, all I got for a long while was offers for more frigid doctor parts.

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