Cancer is an emotional disease.

I am plenty lonely in hotel rooms.

I want to dominate the man's world.

I don't have tattoos, I have scars!

Americans don't like European movies.

A great artist has to be ready to fail.

Art comes from life, not from the studio

Television is completely another medium.

I don't do husbands. I don't do children.

In America, everyone's always hiding their age.

If we go for the easy way, then we never change.

I really like dark, politically incorrect humor.

But what is art other than revealing human nature?

I believe the artist has an obligation to society.

I think 21st century should be art without objects.

We're destroying the planet, and the planet rebels.

Galás is a great artist with a very powerful voice.

An artist should not fall in love with another artist.

I have always staged my fears as a way to transcend them.

I am pure performance, and Robert Wilson is pure theater.

Americans aren't accepting of black humor, it's terrible.

I just want to create situations where people forget time.

Good art is never made in studio. Good art I make in life.

With classical ballet you are literally injuring yourself.

A powerful performance will transform everyone in the room.

The world doesn't need an artist who shows reality as it is

I face so much jealousy, and I am incredibly upset about it.

The world doesn't need an artist who shows reality as it is.

Happiness comes from the full understanding of your own being.

The hardest thing to do is something that is close to nothing.

For me, the most difficult piece is the one I'm about to make.

I have a problem with being a hero, but that's another problem.

In theater, blood is ketchup; in performance, everything's real.

We make such terrible mistakes with visual choices about beauty.

True love for whatever you are doing is the answer to everything.

You can't choreograph death, but you can choreograph your funeral.

An artist has to look at the future, to see what we can do better.

The mind is crazy thing. To be focused is the most difficult thing.

We always think of our own profit, but not in connection to others.

When you're 50, the best thing to do is dance the Argentinean tango.

Performance has to be mainstream art. This is what I'm fighting for.

People have so much pain inside them that they're not even aware of.

To me the pain and the blood are merely means of artistic expression.

Because we never stop silently loving those who we once loved out loud

The most revolutionary ideas are not sellable, but only mind-changing.

In my work I have complete control, but about my life, I don't want to.

We always want to do things the way we like, that's why we never change.

I realise the power of art that does not hang on the walls of galleries.

All my inspiration comes from life. That's how it never stops, in a way.

So many artists say they're not aware of audience. For me is unbelievable.

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