Russell Westbrook's just a wild guy.

I had a couple great years in Phoenix, man.

I keep in high spirits and keep my confidence.

I really didn't have aspirations. I was just tall.

I'm a tough guy. I'm ready to battle with anybody.

I would pick any team if I could go with my brother.

My toughness comes from just being from Philly, man.

Not too big on alcohol, but if I had to chose; I like Ciroc.

Everybody wants to be a scorer. Everybody can't be a scorer.

I'm kind of a low-tempered kind of guy, so I ease my way one game at a time.

I've had the iPad for a nice little minute, not into gadgets like that, though.

Once, in third grade, we switched classes and nobody knew until our mother stepped in.

I can just be one of those guys that used in the mix, playing 4 or 5 if we play smaller.

I'll contribute any way I can, whether it's cheering my teammates on or being in the game.

It wasn't about the money. I was just playing basketball, playing with my brother, happy being in the NBA.

Philly guys have a different toughness from anybody you've probably ever met. That's what I hang my hat on.

I grew up - obviously I'm from Philly, where Kobe is from, so we grew up idolizing Kobe. He meant everything to us.

Just watching Steve Nash growing up, and what he did with Amare - you can't play with a better point guard than him.

I leave Phoenix and everybody's calling me disgruntled, but then you see my teammates that were there speak highly of me.

Some of my best experiences have been at KU and I'm thankful for my teammates, coaches and all the people that support KU.

It's tough to be away from my wife and my daughter every day during the bubble. So to have my brother here, it's special for me.

I heard the other day that I'm the skinniest power forward in the league. I might be the skinniest, but I'm damn sure not the weakest.

We need the fans to win games. We need the energy from them to win a lot of games and we need that every night, not just certain nights.

A couple colleges tried recruiting me without Marcus and I just shut it down right away. That was clear from the beginning. It was always a package deal.

If you can imagine being with somebody for 21 years and you both get to the NBA and have to split up, and then all of a sudden getting back together, it's unreal.

Honestly, Detroit really wasn't on my list. I really didn't look into it much until I sat down with my brother and looked at the roster. It was kind of a perfect fit.

As I move on to the professional stage of my career, I will always remember my time as a Jayhawk. Playing here has prepared me for the opportunity to have a successful career in the NBA.

That's what brothers do. I expect a lot from him. We always work out together. We always do everything together. I know what he's capable of doing. He knows what I'm capable of doing. When it doesn't happen, we pull each other's cards.

Our first thought growing up was that we want to be together always so we didn't want to play the same position. You see a lot of twins play the same position because they are so alike. That was a big thing for us that we taught ourselves, and luckily it ended up paying off.

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