I believe in dreaming.

A lot of people hate winners.

I feel like I'm the Kanye of the NFL.

Willy Wonka's like my Michael Jordan.

I hate typing but I love to write manually.

I'm a voracious reader, I'm always studying.

I'm looking like Atlas, not Professor Klump.

A lot of athletes are first-generation money.

When you're authentic, people appreciate that.

I built my company a lot while playing for the Patriots.

I want to be like the Nike or Apple of children's books.

I'm the same way with the media as I am to everyone else.

I'm not a guy who holds up a product and says, 'Drink this.'

If I die and you remember me as an athlete, I failed at life.

Shaq and Muhammad Ali's my favorite two athletes of all time.

Why does everyone always assume the quarterback is the leader?

I've always known from a young age that creativity is natural.

I believe happiness breeds success and not the other way around.

I don't make many mental mistakes. Yeah, I'm smarter than I look.

I only read the left-hand pages, so I finish books twice as fast.

Any time you're in a maze there's multiple ways to get to the end.

I think coding is gonna become the blue collar work of the future.

I hated Jason Witten. I appreciated his game, but I always hated him.

I'm just comfortable in front of the camera. I'm like the male Oprah.

I feel like I'm a better person without the game of football. I'm happier.

First and foremost, I am a husband and a father, which is a full-time job.

I'm a straightforward person. I think sometimes it comes off the wrong way.

You grow up, no one really teaches you about taxes, especially as an athlete.

Dreams come true, but dreams don't wait for you. You have to chase your dreams.

With your imagination, you can go anywhere or do anything, anything is possible.

I've always been interested in clothing because it's an extension of how we feel.

I recognized from a young age that I wasn't a football player; I played football.

I just wanted everybody to know that I'm not fat. I'm trying to get an eight pack.

I don't always answer bird calls, but, when I do, they're from Tom Brady and Gronk.

I've always been creating, no one had to teach me how to create, I always made things.

It's always cool to make a comeback like 45 Michael Jordan did, or like Marshawn Lynch.

I always say Coach Trestman reminds me of the first Willy Wonka. Not the Johnny Depp one.

I don't club, I don't really go out, and there's a lot of stuff I don't really do socially.

I was banned from IHOP. Not all IHOPs, just the one on Highway 6 by my house where I grew up.

If I wake up at 6 A. M. to work out, I'm done at 10 A. M.. Most guys play video games all day.

I'm always excited anytime I get a chance to be a better player and work with different people.

A lot of times when you're around really, really smart people, you don't really understand them.

If I'm not with my family or playing football then I'm usually in my office writing and drawing.

I'm like always smiling but I'm superaggressive. I have like a different type of chip on my shoulder.

My mind is like a theme park, because it's fun and there's lots of cool stuff and you can take rides.

With 'Dear Black Boy,' I wanted to encourage BIack boys to dream outside of sports and think differently.

I'd never worked for anyone else until I got to the NFL, and this will be my last time working for someone else.

As far as I can remember, I was always with my dad. He exemplified what it means to make sacrifices for your family.

Black boys shouldn't have to feel that being good at sports is the only way to be cool - or to be valued by the world.

I have a library, and it's like I want to beat Belle on 'Beauty and the Beast' and have a better library than she had.

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