Privacy is a thing of the past.

Star Trek made dreaming legitimate.

I'm always trying whatever the latest telephone is.

The public doesn't adopt radical concepts very quickly.

The notion that there's finite spectrum is mostly wrong.

Technology has to be invisible. Transparent. Just simple.

Cellular was the forerunner to true wireless communications.

When you get involved in a startup, you have to be passionate.

Cellular companies don't innovate, they just buy more spectrum.

Cellular phones will absolutely not replace local wire systems.

I don't want to be the oldest anything in America. Sorry about that.

I'm a science-fiction fan. All science fiction ends up being reality.

If you asked me what the most important thing in my life is, it's learning.

I use Verizon. My wife uses Cingular. I also have an AT&T phone for the car.

If we don't blow ourselves up, this is going to be a really wonderful world.

Good technology is intuitive - the cellphone forces you to become an engineer.

I have a mantra that people are naturally, fundamentally and inherently mobile.

People thought I was crazy thinking about a phone you can just put in your pocket.

The instruction manual for my Motorola phone is bigger and heavier than the phone.

We all know how tough children are with toys. It turns out grownups are much worse.

I had an iPhone for a while, I gave that to my grandson. Kids are really caught up in that.

If you want people to think out of the box, you shouldn't create the box in the first place.

A telephone number shouldn't represent a home or a car or a restaurant, but instead a person.

We should be focused on how to make people's lives better. That is the purpose of technology.

The best way to get people to think outside the box is not to create the box in the first place.

As soon as I get a typical day, I'll know I'm in trouble. I like doing different things all the time.

We had no idea that things like Facebook and Twitter, and all these other concepts, would ever happen.

Every two and a half years, every spectrum crisis has gotten solved, and that's going to keep happening.

Whenever you create a universal device that does all things for all people, it does not do any things well.

You should not be a slave to your telephone. The technology is there to serve you, not the other way around.

Our dream was that someday nobody would talk on a wired telephone. Everybody would talk on a wireless phone.

Anyone who dials a phone while driving is flirting with death. And anyone who texts while driving is insane.

I like to think about the future and how things can be done better than they are now. That's what engineers do.

I think that wireless has the opportunity to solve a whole bunch of problems, including I believe world poverty.

If you think you can experience the power of the Internet on a 1-inch screen, you've got to be out of your mind.

My rule is, if you want to build something that does all things for all people, it's not going to work real well.

We thought our vision was right, which was that someday everyone would be walking around carrying phones with them.

What's the biggest function of a cell phone? What does a cell phone do for humanity? It makes people more productive.

Yes, I was the one people credit with inventing the cell phone. Now, whenever anyone gets a dropped call, they blame me.

Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire.

I think projects often fail because people do not have a clear understanding at the start what they are trying to deliver.

I think if you have a big enough wallet you can solve anything but the key is to solve it with the least amount of expenditure.

The first cellular systems didn't become commercially available until 1983. Most of the phones before then were in fact car phones.

We did envision that some day the phone would be so small that you could hang it on your ear or even have it embedded under your skin.

I do like to get away from technology. I still read a lot. Having said that, most of my reading is on computers or a Kindle or an iPad.

I never really started to carry a cellular phone until it was small enough so I could put it on my belt and not even feel it was there.

The only thing I don't like is being called the 'grandfather of the cellphone' because that makes me a little older than I prefer to be.

Wireless is freedom. It's about being unleashed from the telephone cord and having the ability to be virtually anywhere when you want to be.

You have to immerse yourself into a product and use it in order to really understand it and that's why I have a new cellphone every month or two.

What we did with this mobile telephone was create a revolution. Before the mobile phone existed we were calling a place, now we are calling a person.

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