The more I work the happier I am.

I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan.

Usually a lot of moviemaking is boring.

Kensington Market is a must visit place in Toronto.

I always felt that my talent would trump everything.

You don't have to play masculine to be a strong woman.

We make conscious choices to do something a certain way.

I think my drive to work has gone up a bit since I've gotten older.

I love playing characters that are strong, when there's physicality involved.

I want to be inspired by the characters that I play and excited by the projects that I do.

If you let too many cooks in the kitchen it could cloud your vision of what you want to do.

I come from a pretty scientific family. My sister is a neurologist and my brother is an engineer.

You have to believe that it is what you want to do with your life and you have to be dedicated to it.

I've never worn incredible clothes - I'm not used to playing someone so put together and fashionable.

I don't have phobias. I'm pretty laid back. Nothing really bothers me. I can handle things pretty well.

Once I've accepted a role, I'll let my parents and my sisters read it because they find it entertaining.

I've always been a huge fan of 'The Shining,' and 'Rosemary's Baby' is one of my favorite films of all time.

I can remember when Pulp Fiction came out. I was, like, 10 years old. But I remember the impact that it had.

I can remember when 'Pulp Fiction' came out. I was, like, 10 years old. But I remember the impact that it had.

I always wanted to perform in some capacity since I was a kid - I was a ballerina, then a singer before acting.

I'm not one of those actors that hates press and gets really groan-y about it - I always like talking about films.

You're literally sized up with measuring tape as a 13- or 14-year-old girl. I wanted to opt out of that experience.

I don't think people understand when you say you are making a micro-budget film that you are getting paid no money.

I was always a performing arts kid in general - but I felt like my ultimate goal was to be an actress and be in films.

I have a lot of different traits to my personality, depending on who I'm around, and what the dynamic in the situation is.

I found my way into the indie world a bit late in my career, but it was something that I was really passionate about doing.

My first movie was a movie that had a bunch of people dying in it - the typical popcorn movie. That's where I got my start.

I was kind of embarrassed by some of the films I had done. I was like, "Oh, they're going to think I don't have street cred."

I don't have any premonitions. I don't have any supernatural powers. I just have a typical woman's intuition, and I go with that.

There are obviously people who want to be very niche, but I think for the most part everybody is trying to reach a larger audience.

I'm a really cautious person, so I don't let myself get into near-death experiences. I'm not into the idea of skydiving or anything.

To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves.

It was my life, playing Juliet. From that moment on I was convinced I was going to be an actress. That was all I really wanted to do.

I think thinking about becoming an adult, and having to face up to your problems and face up to your insecurities, is difficult for everybody.

When I was 10, my school did Romeo and Juliet. I was Juliet, and that was, like, the biggest deal ever. I was completely obsessed with the role.

I grew up in a big movie house, we watched movies all the time, so I had an awareness at a very young age that that was a job that you could have.

I think a lot of fans immediately go, 'ugggh' when they hear that someone is doing a prequel or a remake, they sort of assume the worst sometimes.

In ballet, I felt that no matter how good I was, if I didn't have the right body type or if I didn't fit a certain mold there was nothing I could do.

I do want to direct, eventually. I don't know if it will be a short film or a music video or a feature, but I know that I want to at least try it and see.

I've been performing since I came out of the womb. I've been dancing and singing since I was a toddler. Acting seemed like a natural progression from that.

Normally as an actress you're constantly worried that people think you don't look good enough. It's just like an unnecessary stress that's just frustrating.

Obviously, we're all going to die at some point. Whether or not we are fated to die in some way I think is debatable. I just don't know which side to debate.

I realized that the people weren't just characters but they were people and they were getting to do something that was so fun and I wanted to be a part of it.

I was that overachieving, annoying kid who was always trying to win some contest or win the role. I look back on it now and I'm like, "Chill, man." Calm down.

I acted in theater and I took film classes when I was 12 and just obsessed over it. I loved it and spent hours and hours in the film studio learning and watching.

To me it's so much like Spaced in that way. Um, which I love so much, so I think fans of that and fans of the comics are going to really see that up on the screen.

I can't say I was much of a gamer growing up or that I am now, but I'm certainly part of that culture or it's part of, you know, the sort of time that I grew up in.

I think when I was 12, when, like, 'Titanic' and 'Romeo + Juliet' came out, my friends and I made our own Leonardo DiCaprio fan club. I definitely had a thing for him.

Anytime I'm given scripts where I'm sort of the fantasy girl, it's hard for me because that's not real and I don't think it's a great thing to put out there consistently.

I love anybody who's willing to stick to their own vision, their own voice, who's not easily swayed by money or by financers who are going to tell them what they should do.

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