I love berries, greens, and salmon.

I don't let my wardrobe dictate my diet.

I live in my Ballet Beautiful street shoes.

Nail polish is like the icing on the beauty cake.

A leotard is more versatile than you might think!

When you dance, you engage your abs in every step.

I love nuts and popcorn with olive oil and sea salt.

Ballet was just something that I always wanted to do.

Audrey Hepburn was always so chic, simple, and beautiful.

You won't find me in a sports bra and low-slung leggings.

For a ballerina, the worst thing imaginable is big thighs.

I became completely obsessed with body oils while pregnant.

All of the vintage photos of Ballets Russes are so inspiring.

Posture has such a big impact on the way people perceive you.

Even if it's snowing or raining, I'm always wearing sunscreen.

An all-white space has a purity that is refreshing and serene.

Pregnancy is magical, I've never felt more connected to my body.

It's important to remember that life is hectic and unpredictable.

I love how chic yet simple ballet style is for everyday dressing.

It's empowering to find a workout that builds strength and grace.

When you work out a lot, it's so important to eat the right foods.

I think most people don't need as much cardio as they think they do.

I don't believe in depriving myself; it's an unhealthy state of mind.

I'm from North Carolina, so I am really picky about my fried chicken.

I love white linens and walls mixed with antique Victorian furniture.

Generally, I snack on lots of fresh fruit and raw nuts, such as almonds.

The idea for 'Ballet Baby' started when I was going through my own pregnancy.

I'll buy a special occasion dress even if I don't know when or where I'll wear it.

Before founding Ballet Beautiful, I was a ballerina with the New York City Ballet.

For ballet dancers, style is about melding personal expression with physical form.

For the hair, a few French hairpins and a tortoiseshell clip will dress up any bun!

Mid-afternoon, I snack on Greek yogurt with nuts or a green juice from Juice Press.

Carrying a baby is such hard work, I've found that the stronger I am, the better I feel.

I've found the entire process of being pregnant to be such a miraculous, beautiful time.

On weekends, I do brunch at home: whole grain bagels, lox, avocado, eggs, and organic bacon.

Most of the time, even if I'm at home in my sweatpants, I probably have a pair of slippers on.

Ballet Beautiful is a workout that transforms the body without overtaxing the system or joints.

Ballet is an incredible art, but it can be a bit elitist, which is a really big turn off to me.

I train a lot of celebrities, including a lot of women who work for Victoria's Secret as Angels.

It's not about having a perfectly sculpted figure; it's about feeling healthy, fit, and confident.

A lot of people think the body is just about genetics, but the right approach can change its shape.

Making fitness a priority will energize you, make you look and feel better, and help diffuse stress.

I sometimes wash my face at night with Cetaphil, which I like because it's a really gentle face wash.

Keep it simple. Layer your leotard with high waisted skinny jeans, legwarmers, and heels or high boots.

A calming place, where you can go to escape it all and just focus on your body, is so wonderful to have.

I like to customize my tights by cutting them myself to create a stirrup or convert the look into a capri.

The key to building long muscle as you swim is stretching arms far ahead of you in the water, sort of like a swan.

Stretching before and after every workout keeps muscles supple and helps elongate the lines of a ballerina's limbs.

I want my workouts to feel like a luxury, a way to pamper yourself and add a beautiful dimension to your everyday life.

A simple scoop-neck leotard highlights a ballerina's swanlike neck and elegant posture, both rooted in a powerful core.

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