I listen to gospel music.

My first album is playful.

Larry David makes me laugh.

I'm searching for a real love.

It's OK showing yourself some love.

We are all just a work in progress.

I'm a singer who thinks like a rapper.

As a kid, I dreamed about being onstage.

Sometimes I frown and I don't realise it.

Believe in yourself when nobody else does.

I do consider myself part of black history.

You know a lot, but you don't know everything.

When life is real, it's not going to be smooth.

For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself

'My Life' is not an autobiography. It's just music.

Without your health, everything else means nothing.

I like French fries; I like mashed. I love potatoes.

I never do any album to beat it. I do it to extend it.

I blame my mother for nothing, but forgive her for everything.

Everything is scary if you look at it. So you just got to live.

I don't think I'll do foster care or adopt, to be quite honest.

I truly enjoy Bono. I think he is an amazing person; I love him.

There's not enough time to be disrespecting... Life is too short.

Growing up, I was the preferred hairstylist for all of my friends.

When you hold on to anger and unforgiveness, you can't move forward.

Love is wonderful, amazing, and the best thing that can happen to us.

You demand respect and you'll get it. First of all, you give respect.

It's up to us to choose whether we win or lose...and I choose to win.

The music business is not a good place for people who don't know things.

I like what I see when I'm looking at me when I'm walking past the mirror.

Once you climb to another level, you have to figure out how to sustain it.

The younger Mary J. Blige, I would call her, she was very unaware, ignorant.

I can have as many bad days as anyone. But I choose to say, 'I'm just fine.'

It was only for two years, and I jumped from family to family. It's very scary.

I'm on my way to a place where I'd never dreamed I'd be, and that's perfection.

I've learned so much from all my mistakes. I just wish I had gotten my education.

I can't just make a song people can dance in a club to... it still has to be real.

'My Life' is soft, with notes of pear and gardenia, but still bold, with a woody base.

I don't have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life.

If you're not confident in yourself, you're going to waver. I've wavered, and I've lost.

I've been a tomboy my whole life. But then you get older, you get married, you soften up.

I didn't never have to go to a therapist. I just always put it in a song and you heard me.

It's not just songs and glamour. It's sweat, blood, broken toes, and mistakes... It's life.

I wouldn't adopt, but what I will do is give my time and go and try to be there for people.

Negative words are powerful boomerangs so be careful what you say about people and yourself.

When I was a child I didn't care about getting an education, and I didn't finish high school.

I always want to be a messenger, a person that, you know, that's not afraid to pass on wisdom.

When you tell your truth, you are coming from a real place, so you are automatically a leader.

My responsibility to God is to live. That's the gift he gave me. What I do with it is up to me.

As a kid, I was in love with Michael Jackson, and I just knew I was going to marry him someday.

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