I love seafood.

I never say never.

I always wanted a cheese wheel.

I love partying with my friends.

It was my dream to become a WWE Diva.

I had a really great career, a long run.

I think the warm weather is perfect for love.

My best physical quality is that I'm flexible.

There is no one more 'rock-n-roll' than my mom.

I always wanted to be a princess like Cinderella.

I love John Cena. I love his charisma, he's so cute.

I love filet mignon. I love French and Italian cuisine.

I like Lita because she is very feminine but aggressive.

The beach and I are two things that get along really well.

I have a Mercedes SL500 in white. I'm passionate about it.

Our lives are really hectic, and I think that's challenging.

Total Divas' is all about us women backstage and our personal lives.

It's one of those things where we generally love filming 'Miz and Mrs.'

Planning a wedding seems easy, but there are a lot of details to think of.

I travel 300 days a year which is tough. Sometimes we're up at 4 A.M. for a flight.

Let me put it this way, I lived in L.A. for 10 years and did not know my neighbors.

I believe that Maryse's persona was the best female persona in years within the WWE.

Austin is great but it's just not home for us. L.A. is definitely where we want to be.

I have a good sense of humor. I'm confident, passionate and honest. I'm a people person.

I've seen every bad or mean comment related to what I do for a living, and I'm used to it.

I developed a heel persona and everything about Maryse was presentation, facials, gestures.

The best designers are French - we all know that. That's a fact, I'm not inventing anything.

Well I still have my Patrick Roy jersey from when I was a kid, so he'll always be my favorite.

I was away from my husband for many years when I wasn't with WWE, and that was the hardest thing.

Sleep deprivation is something very serious. I didn't think it could kill you, but I think it can.

French girls, especially those from Montreal, are known to be the most beautiful women in the world.

I love everything related to business. That's my field, besides entertainment, which I'm really good at.

I am from Canada, and it is really hard for us to go to the United States and prove what we are able to do.

Every other reality show is so freakin' dramatic, I feel like they bring me down. 'Miz & Mrs' makes people laugh.

It's difficult, it's a fine line when you're a mother and a career woman because that's what we do, we do it all.

I just push away everything negative. Just do what you want to do and believe that you can do it and you will do it.

I was a lifeguard for three years, when I was around 16-years-old. So for my first job, that was awesome, working on the beach.

My pregnancy craving is truffles. I like the smell and I like the way it tastes but they're very very expensive, rare mushrooms.

My favorite thing do is HITT workouts, or high interval intensity workouts. like to do that because I'm not really a cardio person.

I get along with Eva Marie really well, I think she's really cool and I get to hang out with her a lot and she's a lot of fun to be with.

Our favorite thing to do is stay at home. We're always on the road doing something, so being able to have one night off at home is perfect.

Eating is 80 percent of everything. Working out for an hour is really easy, but the rest of the day is 23 hours and that's the hardest part.

FHM magazine is one of the cheesiest magazines in America. I'm not talking about Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan... FHM is the lowest. FHM? Come on!

You need to be able to build a character, you need to have time, you need to have a microphone and be able to talk so people can relate to you.

I don't take anything seriously. But Maryse's ring character is like, 'you want to look like me, be like me, have everything I have but you can't.'

I love chocolate cake. I'm French. I also love cheese and bread, so I could just live on that. But I can't do that to myself, so I have to moderate.

I am a natural beauty. I can wear sweatpants and running shoes and I stop traffic on the street - people have accidents when they drive and they spot me.

You know, that women are main events of Wrestlemania. It's grown so much and I think that it's amazing. I mean, and I think it's just going to keep growing.

I love playing different characters, and I would love to be playing different characters in movies or TV shows, instead of continuing my career with the WWE.

We got broken into our house three times in five years in L.A., so I wanted to find somewhere where I feel safer, and where my whole family would feel safer.

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