Arrogance frowns; pride smiles.

Arrogance frowns; pride smiles.

Never lie in writing.

Silence kills scandal.

Pity drowns in numbers.

Enough is ever-receding.

The world needs an enema.

Laughter scares off lust.

Facts do not give advice.

Yawns are hard to refute.

A crisis unmasks everyone.

Life is what it makes you.

Our troubles keep us going.

It is not confused. We are.

To avoid eye contact, kiss.

Life is struggle and sleep.

Curiosity makes loneliness.

Never ask a bore a question.

Even boredom has its crises.

Self-analysis always cheats.

The rich feel full of merit.

Boast quietly, with decorum.

Art chooses its constraints.

No dignity without distance.

Art can make chaos seductive.

Passion cooks. Reason cleans.

Cynicism has its own zealots.

City wits, country humorists.

Truth is a necessary phantom.

Envy grieves. Jealousy rages.

Disillusionment is not truth.

Rebuttals never alter desire.

Wit puts politicians at risk.

Fluency avoids hard thoughts.

Constant talkers are unheard.

Tears are great peace-makers.

The beginning sets the rules.

Folly always knows the answer.

Rereading, we find a new book.

The time I kill is killing me.

Sign at the orgy: BODIES ONLY.

Elegance thrives on exclusion.

Complainers detest each other.

Trust, but look for the exits.

True wit has a grave intention.

Wit: a whim followed by a wham.

Self-pity makes people callous.

Tolerance is a placid contempt.

The body has a mind of its own.

Helplessness is a mighty power.

Leisure unmasks our weaknesses.

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