I like Ben Carson.

I have no favors to pay back.

Donald Trump is an interesting fellow.

I have never been a member of a Tea Party.

We need education across the board on all fronts.

I don't think it's wise to shut down the government.

I would encourage you: be informed - knowledge is power.

I am not above copying what other people are doing well.

Have you ever been offered a job by a poor person? No one has.

There are stark, stark contrasts between myself and Jack Conway.

There is going to have to be austerity in the state of Kentucky.

Liberals are good at catchphrases, but there's no substance behind them.

While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary.

I did not write any of the letters that were ever published as investment commentary.

This is our time. This is our opportunity. Together, we will accomplish great things.

There is no one in America more qualified to talk about bailouts than Mitch McConnell.

I'm going to defend the right of people to freely gather and discuss whatever they want to.

There are quite enough sheep already - be a shepherd: be somebody who's bold and who leads.

The people of Kentucky have had enough. They have had enough of bailouts for Wall Street banks.

People aren't suckers. Some are, perhaps. But most people inside know when we're being lied to.

Criminalizing behavior, if it's part of the heritage of this state, is in my opinion a bad idea.

I am not, and have never been, a supporter of cockfighting or any other forms of animal cruelty.

I don't care if it's a dollar or two dollars. If I'm governor, people should have skin in the game.

We cannot be complacent about the determination of radical Islamic extremists to destroy our freedoms.

Be bold - there's enough Neville Chamberlains in the world; be a Winston Churchill, for crying out loud!

If you've ever questioned your faith, you're going to question it when you are burying your own children.

There are no taxes that are unpaid, nor were there any taxes that I was responsible for that didn't get paid.

I always said... I want to be the one who creates jobs. I want to be the guy who develops the wealth of the nation.

The Medicaid expansion enacted under Obamacare is unaffordable for the taxpayers of Kentucky and should be repealed.

When I have people like Planned Parenthood intentionally not following the law, that's where the state will be involved.

McConnell's the Senate Republican leader, but he refuses to lead on defunding Obamacare. What good is a leader like that?

I'm a believer in the Constitution and in the First Amendment. Not just for raising money but also for freedom of speech.

I name my companies things that are intentional, that are specific, that are worthy of ridicule if you are anything other.

I want us to be able to fight ideologically, mentally, spiritually, economically, so that we don't have to do it physically.

The fact is the American people want men and women to stand up and represent them and to put their interests ahead of the party interests.

I have nine children. Four of my children are adopted. We talk about those who have nothing. My children started with nothing, some of them.

It is important never to forget our history, but parts of our history are more appropriately displayed in museums, not on government property.

I have 9 children; I'm a big believer in childhood education, but we've got to be smart about getting a good return on the investment of those dollars.

I'm unapologetic for the fact my Christian faith defines my decision-making process. I will bring those Christian principles and that mindset to Frankfort.

I've signed many documents as president and CEO as required by law. I signed every single document that we were required to file - every single one of them.

There's not one person in this state who believes they are going to have a job in my administration... There's not one person who I've promised anything to.

It's a question of whether or not we the people are still in charge. And by 'we the people,' I mean, is this truly a government of and by and for the people.

We have seen a degradation from the highest levels of authority politically in this nation, including through the department of justice, for the rule of law.

This administration will have no tolerance for the type of brazen disregard that Planned Parenthood has shown for both the safety of women and the rule of law.

As Governor, I will direct my Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services not to distribute federal taxpayer dollars from that department to Planned Parenthood clinics.

Black, white, rural, urban, Democrat, Republican, independent. People who come from both ends of the socio-economic spectrum. Male, female. Young and old alike. This is our Kentucky.

I was, as president and chairman of the board, required by law to verify the veracity of the financial figures, the assets under management, the number of outstanding shares, et cetera.

You can't punch people in the face, punch people in the face, punch people in the face, and ask them to have tea and crumpets with you and think it's all good. Life doesn't work that way.

I am a believer in smaller government, limited government, less regulation, less taxes, because I think to have more of those things, we suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit of this nation.

I never went to any Tea Party meetings, although I am fiscally very much in like mind, and grateful for and appreciative of the support of anybody, no matter what group they might be part of.

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