I'm a pretty nice guy.

Bill Goldberg can't wrestle.

I can handle boos. Boos entertain me.

It's almost like my life is a fairytale.

I'm just not very good at holding on to jobs.

I'm usually just so laid back most of the times.

I'm a very aggressive person. I'm really intense.

I love working with new guys, especially MMA guys.

I have a lot of options in professional wrestling.

In professional wrestling, the fans are tremendous.

I'm down to fight anybody at any given time, anywhere.

My striking isn't the prettiest, and I hit really hard.

My goal is to make wrestling more like mixed martial arts.

Any match with Keith Lee is definitely circled on my calendar.

MMA is like the Colosseum in Rome: the fans want to see violence.

My parents told me if I wanted to fight, they wouldn't support me.

I get more respect doing professional wrestling than I ever did in MMA.

Even when you're on top in the UFC, you only get paid a couple times a year.

Me and Kyle O'Reilly have wrestled all around the world. We've done good work.

I have to say, running in flip-flops through the airport can be pretty tricky.

I just like people that bring in a very competitive mentality to pro wrestling.

Pro wrestling fans love what they watch, and they go out to enjoy and have fun.

It always feels good when you hear another guy in your industry give you praise.

I'm always learning, always trying new things, because you have to to stay fresh.

I'm a shark, and I swam in a lot of different ponds, but I'm ready for the ocean.

The bottom line is, I've got a wife and three kids. I've got bills I have to pay.

Growing up, I was always a fan of wrestling, but I was also a fan of MMA and stuff.

If someone comes up to me and asks for an autograph or picture, who am I to say no?

When I first started wrestling, I didn't even want people to know I was in the UFC.

I am me. I've always been a character, and my character's story lives into pro wrestling.

There's nothing worse than a bunch of toothless, ignorant people yelling at you. It's horrible.

You don't pick up things, get to the top of multiple industries and sports without working hard.

Being real in pro wrestling has paid off. Just being myself - that really translated to the fans.

If you're a wrestler in the WWE, then your goal is to be the headliner, main event of WrestleMania.

The more name value I have, the better. The more undeniable I am, the better. Then I can get what I want.

Take into consideration I get to play-fight in my underwear every week, and I get paid very well to do it.

Only one person can retire Brock Lesnar - only one person can end his career - and that person's going to be me.

I like wrestling the bigger guys, personally, because I can lay into them harder, and they can dish it back out.

In mixed martial arts, if you get kicked in the face, it's your job not to show any expression to your opponent.

When I first started, I lived in Vegas because I was fighting in the UFC, and I was still fighting after the UFC.

Not only do I have fun in the ring, but I have fun walking out to the ring. I have fun walking away from the ring.

I like to hit hard, I like to be hit hard, and I like really competitive matches. That's my take on pro wrestling.

When I first started, I had a mullet, and I was trying to play a hillbilly persona. While it was fun, it wasn't me.

Everybody in wrestling is usually a pretty nice guy, they're all just hard workers trying to get their opportunities.

To me, the more the merrier. The more times I can get in that ring and get in front of a crowd and wrestle, the better.

I know I'm skilled - I know my background - and the people who are familiar with my credentials know better than to try me.

I started training at the Monster Factory, the ROH dojo, CZW, and I trained there. And eventually, I had a tryout with WWE.

I think a lot of people are excited that WWE was willing to give me a chance, and they want to see how far I can go with it.

I got a short - I got a temper. I fight in a cage for a living. There's a reason people like us are wired slightly different.

In pro wrestling, if somebody throws a move, it's my job not to get hurt but also to sell the move and make it look like I'm dying.

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