I like even numbers.

I love being in Blink!

I'm from the MTV generation.

I collect motorcycles and art.

I have never played in a ska band.

Rock n' roll is the Devil's music.

Glasgow is one of my favourite cities.

Skating is what got me into punk rock.

I consider myself a pagan and a witch.

I haven't eaten an animal in over twenty years!

I'm a bookworm, so I read about a book a month.

Pennywise are legends and gentlemen and maniacs.

While I was in Chicago, I rode my bike everywhere.

I loved anything spooky, mysterious, or frightening.

To worship the devil, you have to believe in it first.

I first heard of Ulver reading the 'Lords of Chaos' book.

I was always a punk rock skate kid from a very young age.

People think we're always dark and gloomy, and we're not.

Fear is sort of like jealousy. It's an unnecessary emotion.

Long before punk entered my life, I loved scary films and stories.

I'm thankful for everything good and bad that happened to our band.

I see kids in Cradle of Filth shirts at our shows, which is awesome.

I grew up on Edgar Allen Poe, and I loved Alfred Hitchcock's movies.

Meditation has really done wonders for me personally and artistically.

They are one of my favorite bands and one of my first musical loves: Devo.

I usually just wear black so my shoes and my socks are my rays of sunshine.

Being on Epic, it wasn't like we got signed to a multi-million-dollar deal.

I miss the videos that are short films, back when MTV played videos all day.

Orange County encompasses a large area that has a lot of Alkaline Trio fans.

When George W. Bush was up for re-election, we took part in Rock Against Bush.

I'm in Alkaline Trio; I guess I get to rip off myself. I give myself permission.

Everyone who signed us to Epic, all of the people we trusted there, were let go.

I do what I love for a living, and I also get to build BMX bikes in my spare time.

There are just as many dirt bags in independent music as there are in major labels.

There is sort of an unspoken 'no skateboarding' clause on tour that I break pretty often.

Dallas is a good town. I spent a lot of time there as a kid. It always nice to come back.

They're great players. I'm not a Blues Traveler fan, though. I get it, but it's not for me.

Jesus was not born on December 25th. There's carbon evidence of it. That freaks people out.

To be in touch with death, and the darker side of life, makes the lighter side more enjoyable.

The very first show I ever saw was The Judds, and that influenced me to not play country music.

I dropped out of arts school because I didn't wanna stare at a computer all day - I get headaches.

When we're on tour, we try to keep our voices sharp. We get up there and put on the best show we can.

Creating a record on my own and deciding who plays and how the songs were structured, it was fun to do.

I grew up on Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, and Van Halen - all the things coming out of the television.

Touring with Blink helped introduce people to Alkaline Trio who otherwise wouldn't have ever heard of us.

Being a drummer definitely influences how I play guitar. And then piano influences drumming and vice versa.

When I agreed to do the Blink shows, I said that I'd do it as long as they were willing to practise every day.

Heaven and hell are something that people create to make some people feel guilty and other people like myself laugh.

I'm really thankful for the time that I grew up in that we didn't have cell phones, and we made a lot of our own fun.

There was some real bad alternative - 'alternative' - stuff that came out in the '90s that's completely cringe-worthy.

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