I don't want to waste my life by being lazy.

Don't follow in my footsteps; follow your heart.

As far as my education goes, I've always felt that was my hobby instead of acting.

I believe in finishing what I start; not being able to do that makes me feel weak.

I'm overwhelmed by and in awe of the work that I do. I adore my work. I live to work.

Growing up, I've always felt I was God's favoured child. Circumstances to help me just happen.

Besides stray instances of acting in school and college, I hadn't prepared myself to be an actor.

I like stability in a man, honesty, and security about who you are and what you think of yourself.

I cannot judge a country. I fall in love with the people and the place each time I visit a new place.

I also absolutely admire Priyanka Chopra; she can inspire me even when I am having the greyest of days.

If you ask me what I should say to the girls who are making money, I think it's as normal as a guy making money.

I feel projects are destined for actors. Whenever I find the project destined for me I'll be at it with full force.

I don't want to be jack of all, master of none. I want to focus completely and excel as an actor with every project.

It is my philosophy that one should not excel in only one thing but try to strike a balance between different things.

Do not follow anyone else's opinion of your capabilities; find for yourself what you're passionate about and chase it!

I don't like whining about the challenges I face while I work. I know they are for the better so I can rise stronger and better.

When you receive criticism, you should take it in your side, but I've received love more than anything else, and that's what motivates me and keeps me going.

I don't know about others, but I want to work in India, America, Iran, Europe, and Russia - everywhere. I am a sucker for good script; I'll go wherever it'll take me.

I believe how a character eventually turns out is completely attributable to an actor. Even with a meaty role, if I am enacting it as an accessory, I will look like an accessory.

I don't want to sign something just because everyone is looking forward to what I sign next. When I take up a project, I am all in to deliver the best I can with sincerity and honesty.

As far as inspiration is concerned, I only have one person - Madhubala. She was beautiful like a wax doll. And I just love her eye movement and those pure emotions which strike your heart.

'Sanam Teri Kasam' wasn't the first Bollywood project offered to me. I was offered other projects with more established actors, but I always knew that I could easily be seen as just eye-candy.

Nothing - and, I repeat, nothing - can affect what you build with sheer hard work. You either wait for people to define your worth or you define it with your own actions. I believe in the latter.

My routine is similar to that of a nomad. But I crave for the comforts enjoyed by a normal girl. In fact, while shooting for my debut film, 'Sanam Teri Kasam,' I turned my vanity van into my room.

I love my fans in Pakistan for being so kind and letting me be myself. Along this journey of exploring myself and a new world out here, I'm always going to make them proud, too. They're my constant support system.

Before taking up law, I studied medicine for six months and then tried my hand at fashion designing for another six months. I wanted to find something that excited me. Finally, it was law that captured my interest.

So many girls and boys are looking up to me, and I have to conduct myself in a way that I don't disappoint too many people and I don't generate any kind of hate or propaganda for any reason. And I think we all should do that.

Yes, TV is the dominant medium in Pakistan, but it was a conscious decision to have an Indian film as my first release. Being launched in an Indian film with a great script, character, and music is half the battle won. The rest is destiny.

I always say that I was born in the wrong era. I should've been born in the '70s or '80s when love meant so much more than it does today. In this busy world, we forget to find each other, fall in love, and go all the way for our soul mates.

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