Business is the most exciting game.

Business is more exciting than any game.

Go out and speak for the inarticulate and the submerged.

Buy Old Masters. They fetch a much better price than old mistresses.

The British electors will not vote for a man who does not wear a hat.

The right to work is a slogan which should be accepted by every democracy.

I suppose I will go on selling newspapers until at last will come the late night final.

Make yourself master of one single subject and the time must come when your knowledge will be valuable.

Three outstanding qualities make for success: judgment, industry, health. And the greatest of these is judgment.

Often undecided whether to desert a sinking ship for one that might not float, he would make up his mind to sit on the wharf for a day.

Let me say that the credit belongs to the boys in the back rooms. It isn't the man who sits in the limelight like me who should have the praise.

What a creature of strange moods [Winston Churchill] is - always at the top of the wheel of confidence or at the bottom of an intense depression.

Men are not really born either hopelessly idle, or preternaturally industrious. They may move in one direction or the other as will or circumstances dictate, but it is open to any man to work.

On the rock bound coast of New Brunswick the waves break incessantly. Every now and then comes a particularly dangerous wave that breaks viciously into the rock. It is called 'The Rage.' That's me.

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