I wish our love was right now.

We are perfect in our imperfection.

Words can be used as a bomb or balm.

So much of courtship is the unspoken.

Love," he said, "has the longest arms.

The road less traveled will not be smooth

My thoughts create my world -Marcus Flutie

Where's my syllabus to guide me through life?

It's human nay-cha...For me to sperminay-cha.

I can let my true self shine in front of God.

And so I’ll let you go, and let it be. Whatever

Every day, I live a lie But not the crocodile kind.

I hate the very human inclination towards insensitivity

furious flutter awakened hummingbird heart hello hello love

You gotta take chances in this life or you're already dead.

He always loved her because of, not in sprite of, her flaws.

It's just Jessica and Marcus, oxymoronically alone together.

Gone for a while Hoping, always, to return If you will let me

I love you. And I want you, too. But. However. Unfortunately...

I'm in crisis. I'm about to bump with a five-foot chino-chicano.

The tales we tell ourselves about ourselves makes us who we are.

The higher my GPA gets the more I realize high school is useless

Then a lightning bolt shot straight through my skivvies. Sha-ZAM!

You can only really really hurt the ones that you really really love.

I never understood the point of being sad when I could choose to be happy

I feel better when I am not around people. When I am alone, alone, alone.

Love may have the longest arms, but it can still fall short of an embrace.

Excuse our appearances. We are taking apart yesterday, to make way for tomorrow

Bad things can happen to anyone at any time, whether you follow the rules or not.

chromosomal dance oh, heavenly happenstance rare creation, you -Marcus (Poetry Spam #22)

You, yes, you, linger inside my heart The same you who stopped us before we could start.

That's what all love comes down to, doesn't it? We help others only as much as they let us.

The minute our correspondence becomes obligatory, there's no point in keeping touch at all.

Even with the best intentions, growing apart might just be an inevitable part of growing up.

I know. It's shocking to think that the government would try to stick its nose in our ladyparts.

Why do you even put up with me?' 'I'm not putting up with you,' he said, softly. 'I'm loving you.

Don't stop doing what you love. Don't let your future be ruined by a bunch of loony sand monkeys.

I think the only way you can become a writer is through honing your voice, creating your own voice.

Ever notice how people wait until they're not going to see you anymore to say something nice to you?

Faith is accepting what makes no sense, what we cannot prove, but know down deep in our souls is real.

there’s too much tension in the world… what hope is there in the middle east if you and i can’t make peace.

It's so much easier to convince yourself you're madly in love with someone when you know nothing about him.

A relationship ends because you've outgrown it. It can begin again because you, as two, can fill the new shape.

As much as I don't care about those things, I think it's human nature to not want to feel totally insignificant.

I’m not sure I’ll ever be finished. No matter how much I write, there will always be something I should’ve said.

Fear is the greatest form of oppression. The best way to rise up in protest is to live your life to its fullest!

When you say too much about anything important, it always ends up sounding more trivial than it is. Words trash it.

There's only one racing strategy that matters.It's the one I run by: Get in the lead and don't let anyone pass you.

Girls will get together just to get together. Guys need an activity as an excuse. Otherwise it’s too homo for them to handle.

I'm not in love. It's a crush which is why it hurts. Crushes crush. Otherwise they'd be called awesomes. "I have an awesome on him.

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