I don't think there's any perfect way to protest.

I've gotten a lot more disciplined since dating Sue.

I take playing for my country very seriously. It's a huge honor.

I think more people are engaged in the issues I want to talk about.

I play a certain style. I'm not willing to compromise that part of me.

To say I am not mentally tired in ways and exhausted in ways would be a lie.

I need to feel like I have that freedom to make mistakes and to just try things.

We're gracious and we're humble, and we play the game a certain way, whether we win or lose.

I think I have unique qualities that other people don't have that can contribute to the team.

We need to have a more thoughtful, two-sided conversation about racial issues in this country.

I think we need to keep our faces out there and to keep our game out there and keep it growing.

It's often hard to just throw money at a problem when you don't really know what the problem is.

Just emotionally, as amazing as it is to win the World Cup, it's emotionally draining in many ways.

The one-v-ones and stuff, that's a special skill in and of itself. That's the sizzle. Fans love that.

We need a more substantive conversation around race relations and the way people of color are treated.

I was made exactly the way I was meant to be made in who I am and my personality and the way I was born.

Some people play best when they're frustrated and mad. I play my best when I'm happy. I really, truly do.

Being a gay American, I know what it means to look at the flag and not have it protect all of your liberties.

I think the national team is more like a traveling circus. It's hard to get that translation into the NWSL teams.

We didn't lose a game at home for two years. What are we missing? We have the product on the field. We're exciting.

When we, as a nation, put our minds to something, when we truly choose to care about something, change always happens.

I have chosen to kneel because I simply cannot stand for the kind of oppression this country is allowing against its own people.

Obviously to be on this team, to be able to represent my country and have the platform that I do, I'm incredibly grateful for it.

I feel in my heart it is right to continue to kneel during the national anthem, and I will do whatever I can to be part of the solution.

Some guy in Germany has my face tattooed on the back of his calf. That was wild. It was a decent tattoo job, but that's kind of weird for me.

I've always been a risk taker. Growing up, I had a lot of freedom and room to roam and do what I wanted, and I think that's a huge part of my game.

I think our team kind of strives on weirdness sometimes. We have that 'rah-rah, rally' sort of American mentality that we can all kind of get around.

For us, the conversation is always about getting paid what we feel like we're worth and getting paid as the sport grows and as we help grow the sport.

I think there's a lot of gay women in sports, and it's widely known in the team; they can live a pretty open lifestyle without being open in the media.

I think it's absolutely absurd that we're playing on turf, and it's really a slap in the face to women's football by FIFA and just a show of disrespect.

Being female and an advocate for equal opportunities, I want to see an equal representation in people applying for the head coach job for the women's team.

I think that a lot of these cops have been put in very difficult situations and tasked with very difficult jobs with very little training and very little help.

In female sports, if you're gay, most likely your team knows it pretty quickly. It's very open and widely supported. For males, it's not that way at all. It's sad.

I think people now - you know, a lot of athletes have come out and said, I would definitely accept, you know, a gay male athlete in the locker room and on my team.

I feel like everyone is really craving people to come out. People want - they need - to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good ol' U.S. of A.

I think, bottom line, I have to be good enough to make the team. I have to bring something in and beat somebody else out, especially with a smaller roster for the Olympics.

For this group, because we have so many big personalities, I think the manager also has to have a big personality but in a way that sort of knows how to deal with everything.

I guess [coming out publicly] seems like a weight off my shoulders. I’ve been playing a lot better than I’ve ever played before. I think I’m just enjoying myself and I’m happy.

Sometimes when you date people, you end up breaking up, and if teammates are mature enough to deal with that, then it's okay. I never want to bring any undue drama to the team.

We're a pretty strong bunch, and we have pretty lofty goals. For us, the manager is very important in a lot of ways, but also, we have a job to do, and that's to go out and win.

Maybe you're not having a thousand times more injuries, but there's an aspect to the purity of the game and the quality of the game that is played on grass that is different on turf.

I would say it's part tomboy, part hipster, definitely part want-to-be-very-comfortable. Fashion is a way for me to express myself. I guess I'm vain in that sense. It's not a bad thing.

I'm totally obsessed with Tilda Swinton. She has this strange, beautiful sexiness about her. I love everything she does. And I love her hair. It was a little bit of an inspiration for mine.

The more I've been able to learn about gay rights and equal pay and gender equity and racial inequality, the more that it all intersects. You can't really pick it apart. It's all intertwined.

My mom, whether it's right or wrong, she had dreams for me to have a certain life. It takes time to get used to that. But they've been really supportive, and they love me for exactly who I am.

As I got more into gay rights, I got more into equal pay, and you just see that it's all connected. You can't really speak out on one thing and not another without it not being the full picture.

I think our existence in professional sports is almost a protest in and of itself in sometimes the very sexist society that we live in. For us, it's just kind of right in line with what we always do.

I can understand if you think that I'm disrespecting the flag by kneeling, but it is because of my utmost respect for the flag and the promise it represents that I have chosen to demonstrate in this way.

If there's one thing this team doesn't lack, it's competitiveness and a desire to win. No matter if we come off a win or come off a loss, it seems like we don't really care. We're always motivated to win.

I've had to learn how to listen to my body over the years and figure out how it all works together. I'm not invincible, so focusing on training my whole body and injury prevention have been extremely important.

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