The queen!" someone shouted in alarm, and the King erupted like a ...

The queen!" someone shouted in alarm, and the King erupted like a wild animal caught in a snare.

I thought that being king meant I didn't have to kill people myself. ...

I thought that being king meant I didn't have to kill people myself. I see know that was another misconception.

The Lord of Rags and Tatters.

A little danger adds spice to life.

I'm dying of boredom. Or maybe just dying.

What kind of man refers to himself as safely dead?

These people make my family look easy to get along with.

Calf love doesn't usually survive amputation, Your Majesty.

I wonder if people always choose what will make them unhappy.

Being six feet off the ground does give one a sense of superiority.

He lies to himself. If Eugenides talked in his sleep, he'd lie then, too.

"Before you make a decision," he said, "I want you to know that I love you."

He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.

I know that if you don't look for an alternative, Sophos, you certainly won't find one.

Who knows but that you will get up to find that the world has inverted itself yet again?

I sometimes believe his lies are the truth, but I have never mistaken his truth for a lie.

But there are other words for privacy and independence. They are isolation and loneliness.

The Thieves of Eddis don't have breaking points. We have flash points instead, like gunpowder.

No 'Glory shall be your reward' for me. Oh, no, for me, it is, 'Stop whining' and 'Go to bed'.

I would very much like to strangle someone. Why don't you go away until I decide it isn't you?

Staring at the wall opposite him he presented the queen with a view of his ear and awaited her orders.

Sometimes, if you want to change a man's mind, you have to change the mind of the man next to him first.

I am a master of foolhardy plans, I thought. I have so much practice I consider them professional risks.

You learn something new everyday." "What are you learning?" Sophos asked. "To keep my mouth shut, I hope.

If I am the pawn of the gods, it is because they know me so well, not because they make my mind up for me.

What a strange world it is, where prisoners are left their weapons and the written word is a mortal danger.

Her queen danced like a flame in the wind, and the mercurial king like the weight at the center of the earth.

That is ridiculous," she said. The king agreed. "Like falling in love with a landslide. Only you could fail to notice.

I am not sure I trust you." "You can trust me with your life, My King." "But not with my wine, obviously. Give it back.

You're awake," he said. "Phresine is not," pointed out the queen. "Oh?" "You gave her lethium." "She gave it to me first.

This is the stupidest plan I have ever in my career participated in," Xenophon said. "I love stupid plans," said Eugenides.

Will there be poppy juice in it?" Phresine shook her head. "Good. My wife and I agreed that only my wine was to be poisoned.

That one,"-he nodded toward the closed door-" will rule more than just Attolia before he is done. He is an Annux, a king of kings.

He whines, he complains, he ducks out of the most obvious responsibility. He is vain, petty and maddening, but he doesn't ever quit.

It was a race between the tortoise and the hare, but the tortoise had just enough head start, and he had the magus to drag him along.

Today, she had yielded the sovereignty of her country to Eugenides, who had given up everything he had ever hoped for, to be her King.

It isn't an easy thing to give your loyalty to someone you don't know, especially when that person chooses to reveal nothing of himself.

I was not so comfortable with my new authority that I could say 'We eat the chicken now!' but the magus had seen that I was considering it.

No man can choose to serve only himself when he has something to offer his state. No one can put his own wishes above the needs of so many.

Discretion prevented me from saying that I thought she was a fiend from the underworld and that mountain lions couldn't force me to enter her service.

The queen was settling on the edge of the bed, ungainly with hesitation and at the same time exquisite in her grace, like a heron landing in a treetop.

She was the stone-faced queen, then and ever after. She had needed the mask to rule, and she had been glad to have it. She wondered if Eugenides was glad of his.

One of us might be assassinated and then my heir will be king. Don't give up hope just because chances are slim." "For the assassination or the heir, your majesty?

Were you lying?" "I never lie," he said piously. "About what?" "The sand, the snake." For a young man who never lied, he seemed surprisingly unoffended by the question.

The queen had passed him, so close he'd felt the stir of air, and he guessed that if she had turned her head, only a little, and met his eyes, he might have died right there.

No friend had I made there, but I wasn't with this group to make friends, and besides, he sneered too much. I've found that people who sneer are almost always sneering at me.

In the afternoon, the king and queen sat to hear the business of their kingdom. At least, the queen sat to hear the business; Costis was still not sure what the king was doing.

The prison keeper choose an inopportune time to look around the doorway into the cell. He and the king locked gazes, and the king's eyes narrowed while the prison keeper's widened.

Why did you come if not to murder my king?" "I came to steal his magus." "You can't," said the magus in question. "I can steal anything," Eugenides corrected him, "even with one hand.

From shadow queen to puppet queen in one rule. That's very impressive. When he rules your country and he tells you he loves you, I hope you believe him. At least that's one lie I didn't tell you.

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