Be kind to yourself.

I'm a sucker for a compliment.

There is nothing like a hair flip!

French fries and vino are my vices.

For work, I wear art; in real life, I wear clothes.

My mom is a yoga instructor: 100% black with dreadlocks.

Granger & Co - hits the spot for brunch every single time.

My very first audition was for 'Hot Girl #1' in some movie.

I love connecting with the fan base and sharing my experiences.

I knew I'd end up in show business in some capacity, eventually.

I love Ralph Lauren. As I travel so much, I prefer to shop online.

When I'm traveling, I won't miss an opportunity to try great pasta.

I always want off-the-beaten-path, Anthony Bourdain-inspired travel.

Once you develop a comfort level with someone, that translates on camera.

I'm eager to find the perfect film to shoot during my hiatus from 'Suits'.

If we treated ourselves as well as we treated our best friend, can you imagine?

For work I get so dolled up that it's nice to wear boyfriend jeans and a sweater.

I don't sit around thinking about my titles and roles; I just do what feels right.

Reflecting on where I came from helps me to appreciate and balance what I have now.

My parents always told me if I believed something was wrong, I should try to fix it.

Be able to delegate, because there are some things that you just can't do by yourself.

If you make a fashion mistake, that's one that's going to resonate for a very long time.

I've never wanted to be a lady who lunches - I've always wanted to be a woman who works.

On my face, I use Creme De La Mer The Eye Balm Intense and Tatcha Deep Brightening Serum.

I love getting into people's brains and understanding the creative impetus for something.

I did calligraphy for the invitations for, like, Robin Thicke and Paula Patton's wedding.

I think you have to make time for yourself so that work doesn't become the end-all be-all.

When I was 13 years old, my mom had me start getting facials in my hometown of Los Angeles.

You have to take care of yourself so you can manage the workload of a very, very full plate.

RevitaLash. Beyond obsessed. We don't use fake lashes anymore for me at work... they are SO long!

I do think there's some value to really throwing yourself into food and embracing where it comes from.

I'm a California girl, right? I grew up with that farm-to-table dining before it was sweeping the nation.

Curl the lashes, concealer under the eyes, blush, ChapStick, and highlight in the inner corner of the eye.

I was not a girl who grew up buying $100 candles. I was the girl who ran out of gas on her way to an audition.

Catty is not cool. I can't think of anything less becoming than a man who talks about people behind their backs.

There is a myth that those who do humanitarian work have a saviour mentality, but the relationship is reciprocal.

I would love to do anything from a really gritty, interesting, indie type film, to that commercial, bigger stuff.

Another solid run through Central Park. Admittedly, six miles turns out to be a bad idea after a full day in heels!

I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home, or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.

I pride myself in figuring out how to elevate a dish with a little preserved lemon or, then, a sprinkle of Maldon salt.

I've always shopped on the sale rack, and I've always been the girl flipping through the hangers trying to find the best deal.

Tatcha Face Moisture Mask and a facial by Nicola Joss, who literally massages your face from inside your mouth! Insane, right?

Definitely working on 'Deal or No Deal' was a learning experience, and it helped me to understand what I would rather be doing.

I dream pretty big, but truly had no idea my life could be this awesome. I am the luckiest girl in the world, without question!

Fragrance is my favorite thing. So much so that if I leave the house and I don't put any on, I'll turn around and go back home.

Put on a sweater and really great sneakers with a big scarf, and you'll look so stylish. For me, they are an everyday essential.

Nivea Firming Body Lotion. When it goes on sale, I buy it in bulk. I am obsessed with it and how it makes my skin look and feel.

For dinner parties, I love making an easy cioppino using shrimp, mussels, clams, and a hearty fish that won't fall apart easily.

It's really attractive if a man has a skill that you want to improve in yourself. If you can learn from someone, then that's sexy.

I'm really big on day dates. If you go for a stroll, have a picnic or lunch with a glass of wine - it doesn't get better than that.

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