Some scripts are pretty sparse.

I was a very independent teenager.

I guess I have a strong constitution.

New Zealanders can be a little hostile.

If I could be working every day, I would be.

I don't think I've played a lot of crazy people.

I was a kid who didn't have a lot of self-esteem.

I feel like a character actress - it's where I'm comfortable.

I really like 'Girls.' I know everybody does, but I love 'Girls.

I feel weird when I go to the movies and everybody's faces are perfect.

People in New Zealand go out of their way to not be impressed by things.

I know my mother-in-law would drive two hours to go see a movie that I'm in.

I read every single review, because I love film criticism and I'm interested.

To take a job just so I can go on a fancy vacation doesn't really seem worth it.

I feel like I'm always put with someone who's like, "Come on! Please be happy!".

There's not much of a follow-your-dreams kind of vibe in New Zealand or my family.

I always like [while filming] to have a sense of what led this person to this point.

I've done a gazillion readings that have gone on to be movies that are made without me.

I feel like I'm kind of faking something if I'm talking as myself and putting on an accent.

I guess I've never really had a great desire to be a leading lady, or be seen as an ingenue.

I've definitely had times in my life where I've been depressed and not able to do anything at all.

I love festivals because I feel like I'm more of a movie fan than a person who's in the film industry.

Sometimes you just feel so fortunate to be in the company that you're in and you just want to soak it all up.

Usually when I am in a movie that is about to come out, if people don't love it, that is fine - I can handle it.

For "The Intervention" I came up with a back-story and Clea [Duvall] was like, "No." And I was like, "I don't care."

I talked with [ Blair Macon] a lot. I always like to come up with it - sometimes the filmmaker is not into it at all.

I feel so lucky to have done so many things that I love in the past few years so I'm just going to keep trying to do them.

I'm not one of those people who can cry on cue. If I have to cry in an audition, I'm like, 'Okay, let me see what I can do.

I'm not one of those people who can cry on cue. If I have to cry in an audition, I'm like, 'Okay, let me see what I can do.'

I think filmmakers are always interested in getting the best actor that they can find, the person who's the most right for it.

The interesting thing about acting is using all your own stuff and having some kind of personal catharsis while you're working.

The acting life is different than I thought it would be. I love it - it's actually a lot less pressure than I thought it would be.

I used to write stories and poetry, but for some reason I have it in my head that if I'm going to write, I have to write a script.

It's good to feel tired at the end of the day. It's not often as an actor that you're like, "Oof. Ow. I feel like I've been out working."

Honestly, I think if I had to stop acting I'd be like, 'Well, I guess I have to go live in the mountains now.' I'd probably be a good assistant.

I was at university and I was studying modern drama and studying English, and I just was like, 'I don't wanna be in this place. I wanna be acting.'

For a while, I was only being sent fat-girl parts. Seriously? Sometimes I feel like I'm making some kind of radical statement because I'm a size 6.

I've had a lot of struggles with depression. It's very easy for me to go to a bleak place, or for me to doubt humanity, myself, the world, my choices.

Everybody goes through challenges. There's stuff that happens personally that's challenging, stuff in work that's difficult, disappointments that happen.

People have something on their mind. It almost feels [on marches against now-President Donald Trump] like after-tragedy. People seem sort of preoccupied.

I don't think I've played a lot of crazy people. If ever I had a choice between two movies, I'd try to do whatever was the opposite of what I did last time.

I think that for me as a person, it's very easy for me to hear, 'It's too difficult.' Or, 'You're not easy to cast.' And, 'You're not beautiful,' and this and that.

I'm pretty active, so I wasn't really worried [about filming "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" ]. But there was a day when I was like, "God, I've been rowing for two hours."

I want to go and have a real experience and it's just lovely to sit and watch a movie and just be really transported by a story and care about the characters. That's always what I'm looking for.

I think there's so many little specific things in the script [of "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore"]. And the script was also structured so beautifully that I didn't want to mess with it.

I feel so grateful when I see a movie and there's a woman who looks somewhat like me. I'm like, 'Thank you, Samantha Morton!' You know, a woman who feels like a human being. That means so much to me.

I don't know, I love it when I see movies with people who are not super familiar to me or people who I've seen in smaller parts who are suddenly getting a chance to do something bigger. For me that's very exciting.

It's always nice for me to get to explore somebody who's feeling that and then does something with it and takes it in a different direction or does something with it. It feels very powerful. It helps me with my own.

If a movie is received badly, and I'm in only one scene of it, I still feel responsible. I feel like it was my fault at all times. If people were like, 'This movie sucks!' I'd be like, 'Well, that's because I'm terrible.'

I know a lot of actors have all these expectations and believe that one thing should lead to another thing, and that's probably the right way to build a career. I don't know what's wrong with me - I just don't think like that!

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