I like scaring myself.

I see things that nobody else sees

I really like milk. I'm a dairy queen.

Mark Ryden is my favorite visual artist.

I'm very, very in touch with my emotions.

I'm really stubborn, and I'm okay with that.

I grew up on Long Island. It was pretty normal.

I would love to collab with The Weeknd, for sure.

I definitely love horror movies and all that for sure.

I used music as therapy and embraced being a cry baby.

I want to put out as many albums as I can before I die.

[My style in three words] youthful, sweet, and diverse.

I always mention toy sounds when I go into any session.

I was always hard on myself for taking things too personally.

I always cling to things that remind me of being a kid again.

I've had so many insecurities, and am still getting over a lot.

I don't like a lot of pop music. But I like the idea of pop music.

I think that 'Cry Baby' came from a nickname I was called as a kid.

I'm not necessarily a happy singer. That's not who I am as an artist.

To me, I absolutely cannot stand Twitter. I hate it more than anything.

Just because I'm an artist doesn't mean I should be treated differently.

I went to the carnival a lot. The carousel was my favorite ride as a kid.

I wrote about scenarios that I was going through and then disguised them.

The real me is this deep, kind of somber person. I can't really help that.

Even if the song meant a lot to me, I would still probably perform it live.

I've always been super into photography and the visuals that support my music.

I'm happy that I don't have to do covers anymore, because that's not what I do.

I'm just happy I got to express who I am as an artist and touch people's hearts.

I look at music like an art form, so it's almost like painting for me, you know?

I want to encourage people to be themselves and express themselves however they want.

I'm glad I got to introduce myself to America by doing a Britney [Spears] song, haha!

I love Sia and how she hides her face. If I could pull off doing that, I totally would.

It's one thing to ask for a picture, but to just take a picture of me is kinda weird, guys.

There's a heavy hip-hop influence in my music, some trap influence, but it's always lyrical.

I didn't have any real idea that I was going to be an artist; I had no idea what that meant.

I'm a perfectionist, and even if something comes out great, it's still not perfect, you know?

Make sure this [music industry] is what you love to do, and you can't imagine doing anything else.

Growing up, I always took things too personal and was very emotional, and I got made fun of for it.

If I don't see a music video to it while writing it, I just scrap it immediately. It's very visual.

I'm gonna write from personal experience, from emotion, from whatever the hell I'm feeling that day.

It's like visual is super important to me. So if I am writing a song, like, I have to have the title.

I only wear vintage clothing. I'm pretty obsessed with things in the '60s, like fashion and music, too.

It's really hard for me to finish a song unless I have a strong visual in my head while I'm writing it.

My whole mission in general, ever since I was fourteen, was to write music that would help people heal.

I'll always definitely strive to write songs that are going to help people feel confident in themselves.

I was very vocal about how I wanted to be portrayed on the show, and how I wanted the stage setup to be.

I definitely think it's cool being Puerto Rican and Dominican, but I feel it has no influence on my music.

Once I was done making my album 'Cry Baby,' I knew I wanted to make a vintage-inspired baby bottle perfume.

I love Nicoletta Ceccoli , and I love Tim Burton movies. So those are like my biggest inspirations I think.

I don't really think about what people think of my music, and how they listen to it or what my demographic is.

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