One life is worth no more or less than any other

One life is worth no more or less than any other

All lives have an equal value.

I'm wholehearted about whatever I do.

You can't save kids just with vaccines.

What great changes have not been ambitious?

We started this mostly from an intellectual place.

I learn in a different way. I learn experientially.

Microsoft certainly makes products for the Macintosh.

Poverty disproportionately affects women around the world.

We have to be careful in how we use this light shined on us.

But iPods and iPhones are two things we don't get for our kids.

Helping people doesn't have to be an unsound financial strategy.

After a number of years dating, we decided we were good partners.

Sometimes it's the people you can't help who inspire you the most.

If you invest in a girl or a woman, you are investing in everybody else.

Vaccines are a miracle cure. Eight out of 10 children are getting vaccines.

I'm constantly saying to myself, 'I'm lucky I was born in the United States.

Our economies are built on the backs of all this unpaid labor that women do.

When we invest in women, we invest in a powerful source of global development

But we also believe in taking risks, because that's how you move things along.

If you want to lift up an economy in Africa, you basically start with the women.

Sanitation issues in the developing world affect women more than they affect men.

Women around the world should have a tool that helps them plan their pregnancies.

I'm happy we have three healthy children and we'll stay with three healthy children.

Connect deeply with others. Our humanity is the one thing that we all have in common.

Women and girls should be able to determine their own future, no matter where they're born.

You are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped.

The premise of this foundation is one life on this planet is no more valuable than the next.

When we invest in women and girls, we are investing in the people who invest in everyone else.

As a parent, the responsible thing to do - if you love your child - is to vaccinate your child.

Bill and I both firmly believe that even the most difficult global health problems can be solved.

Make sure you continue to trust what you know now about yourself and stay true to what you believe in

I care much more about saving the lives of mothers and babies than I do about a fancy museum somewhere.

If we don't empower women, we don't allow them to unlock the potential of themselves and their children.

Now we just really need to do the work, which we're doing, to get contraceptives out to women worldwide.

It is still just unbelievable to us that diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child deaths in the world.

Kids are falling through the cracks and nobody notices it. That to me is what's wrong with the school system.

Women speaking up for themselves and for those around them is the strongest force we have to change the world.

If you don't have an effective teacher in front of the classroom, you won't change the trajectory for students.

I felt suicidal. I couldn't stop crying. I remember thinking, wouldn't it be great if the car crashed and I died?

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.

Now, as smartphones are coming up, there are all kinds of apps that will start to be developed that will help women.

I realized that the only way to get into a good college was to be valedictorian or salutatorian. So that was my goal.

It's important to remember that behind every data point is a daughter, a mother, a sister—a person with hopes and dreams.

You can have the best vaccines for a woman or her child, but if you can't get her to come and get them then they won't work.

All women, everywhere, have the same hopes: we want to be self-sufficient and create better lives for ourselves and our loved ones.

Our desire to bring every good thing to our children is a force for good throughout the world. It’s what propels societies forward.

I think the Americans need to understand that a lot of times the children are bored in school, and that is why they are not staying in.

When we better understand the realities of these women's lives, we are able to design and deliver solutions that are more useful to them.

Take time to learn about the lives of women around the world-and try to play a small part in their fight to create the future they deserve.

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