Happiness is a choice.

to not act is a choice too

Chase away sorrow by living

Like chaos in a glass cage.

Sometimes being human sucks.

Will you be my forever, Donia?

I didn't drown. I didn't break.

Love ans desire aren't the same

I like to read the ending first.

He looked good, like sin in a suit.

Going backwards is never an option.

Sleep well, and stay where I put you.

Not Expecting, but hoping. Always hoping

Faeries are equally loyal and deceitful.

You need to face what you're running from

Trust your instincts, trust your judgment.

Some things are more important than safety.

Choose to be happy. It is what we have all done.

Stab one or two healers, and everyone overreacts.

I don't know what I am, but this isn't happiness.

Discord says it's a good idea. That's comforting.

You. I've spent my life waiting for you.' -Keenan

Belief is a powerful thing. If you believe you can.

What would I do without you?" "You'll never find out.

Life is too short to read books that I'm not enjoying.

and "good" doesn't mean he's worthy of you , does it ?

And he smiled at her, truely smiled- wicked and lovely.

Have you ever tried?" "No." Then don't tell me I can't.

Love is a mistake when we're all going to die any day now.

I'm still yours, though. That won't ever change, Shadow Girl.

Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter.

He didn't slam the door, didn't rage, didn't weep, he simply left.

You say potato; I say potahto..." I say integrity; you say deceit.

Loving someone meant letting them be who they were, not caging them

As if fixing the little errors would made the big stuff manageable.

You're not weak at all. Wounded, but that's nothing to be ashamed of.

Love can give a person strength to break through glamours and magicks.

Pride goeth before the fall....but you've already fallen, haven't you?

If you get killed. I'm going to be furious." "I love you too. Come On.

I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you,” he whispered. “Lucky them.

You don't have to do those things. You don't have to become a hero, Seth.

They've been stealing mortals away for centuries, but they can't have you.

You already gave me forever, Aislinn. I'm asking for a chance at right now.

Seth gave her that: a private space to believe in the illusion of normalcy.

I'd stop anyone from taking that smile from you. I would, if I were allowed.

I'm not bloodthirsty, but...seriously, she killed you. She needs to be dead.

What does it mean when nightmares dream of peace? When shadows wish for light?

He tipped her head up. "Don't give up. Don't leave me before you're even here.

The world is too fascinating to limit yourself to one path or one sort of people.

I don't know if you realize it or not, but your sudden devotion to her is creepy.

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