War is brutal, barbaric and bloody.

Republicans need to unite to succeed.

The Cuban people do not live in freedom.

Everyone can relate to being stuck in a traffic jam.

Americans are waking up to the tragedy of abortions.

Voter fraud especially matters when elections are close.

It takes bold direction and leadership to heal a divided nation.

Our veterans only deserve the highest standard of health care quality.

The king of branding, Mr. Trump performs best when he is on the defense.

In the end, the responsibility of government abuse lies with the president.

Americans hate traffic jams and also dislike power-hungry political figures.

I am a working mom with five daughters, a small-business owner - and a conservative.

Pat Buchanan's challenge to George H.W. Bush in 1992 helped elect Democrat Jimmy Carter.

We need to ensure that veterans are in charge of their health care and not the government.

Pretending that voter fraud does not exist puts the integrity of our voting process at risk.

Every woman should have access to quality health care and compassionate abortion alternatives.

We should not have to experience the fear of intimidation or retaliation in the United States.

What hurts the GOP is when we have leaders placing the blame on other leaders within the party.

The Obama economy has led to more women dependent on government programs including food stamps.

Employing a low-key, Midwestern charisma, Mike Pence proved he knows how to win over an audience.

I am a perfect case study for the transition from no maternal instinct to the love of motherhood.

Women do not want to be dependent on government but want opportunities for all Americans to succeed.

Faith is a gift. Some feel like they were never blessed with it, others just casually let it fall away.

Religions based on the principle of service and a focus on the less fortunate help a society deal with want.

Scandals have impacted many politicians' careers and aspirations. Some have survived, and others have fallen.

Even though voters overwhelmingly dislike negative ads, they do influence voters' opinions about a candidate.

Thousands of children entering the country illegally have become the face of the immigration crisis in the U.S.

As a working mother of a large family, preparing meals and shopping for groceries is time consuming and hard work.

Great leaders find a way to rise above politics while at the same time keeping their party's loyalists in the fold.

Solutions and ideas should come from the bottom up, generated by local communities and not mandated from Washington.

Christians and religious individuals are quickly demonized and not tolerated by the dogmatic left if their views differ.

The Veterans Health Administration is a perfect case study of how government should stay out of patient care altogether.

Installing an activist liberal majority on the Supreme Court will put religious liberties at risk for generations to come.

The job of the press is to defend their institution, hold the government accountable and freely report and gather information.

One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a 'negative' campaign filled with 'attack' ads.

History has shown that challenging an incumbent president in the primary almost inevitably leads to defeat in the general election.

For television worth watching, Trump should debate Karl Rove, and both should be tasked with figuring out how to unite Republicans.

Unfortunately, our country has become so politically polarized that one side routinely attempts to destroy and discredit the other.

The U.S. should not continue to ignore Latin America. Our nation shares regional and cultural ties with these neighboring countries.

Politicians need to stop picking sides and come up with bold solutions where the safety and security of all citizens become a priority.

A campaign adviser can change the outside appearance of the candidate, but the ideology and personality of the candidate remains the same.

We are a country of immigrants who have built this great nation, but it is legal immigration that we should be recognizing and encouraging.

The majority of immigrants are in search of a better life for their families or are seeking safety by leaving violent and corrupt countries.

Lower standards tell students that they don't need to work hard and leave more high school students unprepared for college and the workplace.

We are becoming a society where traditional values and free speech are being diminished and the religious are viewed as having a backward mentality.

Catholics and evangelicals should be troubled by Mrs. Clinton's hidden agenda to influence and alter the tenets of Christian and Catholic orthodoxy.

Roe v. Wade used raw judicial power to overturn the democratically passed laws in every state in the country and remove state restrictions on abortion.

The government and politicians should listen to the people instead of preaching from their secular pulpits on how the rest of us should live our lives.

I have worked with President Trump for two years and he is not a racist. He is a compassionate man whose policies have focused on the minority community.

Republicans want less taxes so we can create jobs; however, we cannot win by solely focusing on an economic message of lower taxes and smaller government.

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