If music's a political place, I'm out.

That's what I miss, being a real human.

I feel like I can't really have a comment.

Just make music; don't talk about politics.

You have to constantly redefine who you are.

Everyone has that moment where they just rebel.

Whoever's inside is inside; whoever's out is out.

Retirement: a brand new beginning! How wonderful!

I don't consider myself a musician. I'm an artist.

We know that those huge U.S. brands do have political sway.

Besides, isn't it more exciting when you don't have permission?

I feel like a mirror reflecting back everyones perception of me.

I feel like a mirror reflecting back everyone's perception of me.

In England right now you're not good enough until you get validated.

It's the only thing to do when you're in London - hang out in a taxi.

Rage and grief are savage companions, but despair is the final undoing.

Confidence takes constant nurturing, like a bed, it must be remade every day.

In New York, everyone's really neurotic and talks about themselves all the time.

Manhattan seems pretty developed, you know what I mean? Like, it has peaked in culture.

If right now, culture's so divisive, it just leaves these millions of people like me out.

I am the bridge between the East and the West. I don't want to abandon one for the other.

My statements aren't incomplete, they're just in-progress. It's a debate and a discussion.

Businessmen in society are not going to be the ones that promote anything outside of money.

I fly like paper, get high like planes If you catch me at the border, I got visas in my name

The music industry is so tied up politically. They're afraid they might let other voices in.

That divide between the rich and poor is so crazy, because even white kids are suffering now.

It is a coincidence that Mathangi is the Goddess of Music and the spoken word, which can be rap.

Even if you're frustrated, how do you express yourself? There's no subculture like back in the day.

I've documented a lot of things myself as a filmmaker. If you want a rockumentary, that's in there.

If you narrow the playing field, the next generation has less to put out, to eat and regenerate from.

My father had no influence on my political beliefs, and to imply otherwise is wrong and irresponsible.

Across the world, on your phone, everybody gets the same list of things to read, listen to, and watch.

Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?

What really drives me mad about art is that, in America, the only thing you can do is to take it apart.

Before the Greeks were the Tamils. The Tamils are one of the oldest civilizations thats still surviving.

Before the Greeks were the Tamils. The Tamils are one of the oldest civilizations that's still surviving.

I hate the idea of street art. With music, I just needed my brain and my voice, which didn't cost anything.

With homogenized culture, even if you feel frustrated, you'd have to write a Taylor Swift song to get heard.

As an artist, you want to play around with mediums and see if you can get the point across in different way.

I feel like I'm living in the dead weeds of hip-hop. I live in the graveyard of what went wrong with hip-hop.

If it's just politics that's running music, f - k that. I'm out of here! I can't think of anything more boring.

I find the new Justin Bieber video more violent and more of an assault to my eyes and senses than what I've made.

That's what's inspiring to me - finding someplace where people haven't already seen themselves in a certain light.

Instead of going to war, we should put the money into arts and culture and let creative people define what Britain is.

I feel so terrible for the kids now. In London, even people in their forties can't afford to buy a house or have kids.

I don't think immigrants are that threatening to society at all. They're just happy they've survived some war somewhere.

I'm still working out my opinions - it's always a question mark. I leave loads of space open, and people don't like that.

My giving birth was nothing when I think about all the people in Sri Lanka that have to give birth in a concentration camp.

Creativity needs time to harness before it goes out, and because that's difficult, memes have become the creative language.

I was part of the generation that pushed the Internet. In fact, I broke as an artist in the U.S.A. because of the Internet.

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