Every day is bizarre.

Nothing is sacred, right?

I am dumb when it comes to learning dance steps.

I think I'm dull. I would rather watch other people.

It's fine to have anal sex as long as you're not in high school.

One of the makeup artists once dyed my dog blue with vegetable blue.

I just saw a copy of a cover of a magazine that I'm on, and it's very weird and unusual.

In terms of my own film experience, I'm definitely used to morose and very heavy, heavy dramas.

I need a break. I've been working for about a year and a half. I think I'd like to go to Pakistan.

It felt like a very, very weird thing to go on the set on September 13th. I would never want to glorify that.

I am an extremely private person. I always feel that I come across as a caricature of myself whenever I do interviews.

The way I approach the character isn't about being gay or straight. It's just about who you love. Gender has very little to do with it.

Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist.

I think one's sexuality can be the center of life, and coming out and discovering your sexuality is something that really can define your existence.

It's so much harder to keep your clothes on than take them off in this business. Even in Exotica, they wanted more nudity, but I didn't feel comfortable.

I've never done a teen movie before, but I certainly could tell you some of the ones I came very close on. I was very close on Clueless and She's All That.

It?s not me to sleep with loads of men, but I do believe in having different experiences. At the end of the day, the nicest thing is the old-fashioned one-on-one.

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