Do what you gotta do and stay fly

Childhood is a branch of cartography.

Man makes plans . . . and God laughs.

A father is a man who fails every day.

All novels are sequels; influence is bliss.

Never say love is "like" anything... It isn't.

A hope fulfilled is already half a disappointment.

I can imagine anything except having no imagination.

It was fun. That was something I came to fairly late.

Comic books were just the means for me to tell the story.

Only love could pick a nested pair of steel Bramah locks.

Every Messiah fails, the moment he tries to redeem himself.

Every time another review comes out I let out a deep breath.

Every generation loses the Messiah it has failed to deserve.

I was thinking, too, of Superman and his fortress of solitude.

Every golden age is as much a matter of disregard as of felicity.

The whole house seemed to exhale a melancholy breath of emptiness

It is always so simple, and so complicating, to accept an apology.

I have a deadline. I'm glad. I think that will help me get it done.

The devolution of American culture takes another great step forward

It is unusual for Joe to be that way, but that's what interested me.

He is by nature a vegetarian but would never consider giving up meat.

Nothing is boring exept to people who aren't really paying attention.

Writers, unlike most people, tell their best lies when they are alone.

Joe is the hero and Sammy is the sidekick. That's how I feel about it.

Miracles prove nothing except to those whose faith is bought very cheap, sir.

I wanted to give readers the feeling of knowing the characters, a mental image.

Take care-there is no force more powerful than that of an unbridled imagination.

Some things that are invisible and untouchable can nevertheless be seen and felt.

... But he believed that every great love was in some measure a terrible mistake.

The handy thing about being a father is that the historic standard is so pitifully low.

No; he could be ruined again and again by hope, but he would never be capable of belief.

That's why school was invented - to give your parents some peace and quiet during the day.

There's nothing more embarrassing than to have earned the disfavor of a perceptive animal.

Forget about what you are escaping from. Reserve your anxiety for what you are escaping to.

I love Richard Yates, his work, and the novel, Revolutionary Road. It's a devastating novel.

The world like our heads was meant to be escaped from, they are prisons world and head alike.

Drunk, Jane spoke as though she were Nancy Drew. I was a fool for a girl with a dainty lexicon.

He looked so profoundly disappointed in me that I wondered for a moment if he was someone I knew.

So it was scary, but that's how it goes. To my great delight, I discovered that it did all belong.

I don't do a lot of foisting, because when it comes to books I don't really like to be foisted upon.

For me, nostalgia is an involuntary emotion. ... I think it's just a natural human response to loss.

... and because it was a drunken perception, it was perfect, entire, and lasted about half a second.

I said, “I need to hear something that’s going to save my life.” Re: Selecting songs from a jukebox.

It's always been hard for me to tell the difference between denial and what used to be known as hope.

Entertainment is a sacred pursuit when done well. When done well, it raises the quality of human life.

[While writing], I'll go anywhere I find that is quiet, has no internet. I have a big internet problem.

When some drunken fool asked if she was a lesbian, she would say, 'In everything but sexual preference.

But the first lie in the series is the one you make with the greatest trepidation and the heaviest heart.

In the immemorial style of young men under pressure, they decided to lie down for a while and waste time.

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