I love Batman.

I always liked melody.

My entire life was making movies.

I love percussive instrumentation.

I try to keep a regular work schedule.

As a kid I was obsessed with monster movies.

Working with Kevin Feige has just been a joy.

When you write for an orchestra, the sky's the limit.

I feel like I'll be writing World War 2 music the rest of my life.

I loved writing 'Lost.' It was like a never-ending opera, in a way.

I made tons of stop motion films with my friends in my neighborhood.

I love classic animation, and I especially love classic cartoon music.

I work on the types of movies that I would have loved watching as a kid.

The 'Jonny Quest' theme had a huge influence on me while I was growing up.

When I was 9, I saw 'Star Wars,' and it set me on a path to where I am today.

If you look at my credits, most of them are the same directors over and over.

I was never one of those people that would just take jobs that were thrown at me.

I like live musicians and personally orchestrate about 80 to 90% of all my scores.

There's so much fun you can have with your instruments that no one ever taught you.

I think the Wachowskis are two of my favorite people on the planet; they're the best.

I don't like working all hours of the night and having an unreliable working pattern.

Music helps immensely with math skills, and math skills help immensely with music skills.

I'm not the kind of person who works 24 hours a day, mostly out of laziness; I don't know.

I was pretty lucky to have grown up during the 'Star Wars,' 'Indiana Jones' and 'E.T.' years.

I lived in New York City for six years, and I was always amazed at how diverse everything was.

I think that to capture food in music, you really are capturing an emotional response to food.

People on 'The Incredibles' would ask me if I listened to a lot of spy scores, but no, I don't.

If you listen to a score from beginning to end, you should envision the entire film in your head.

The very first game I worked on was for DreamWorks Interactive's 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park.'

One of the things I was never thrilled about with 'Medal of Honor' was that it was non-stop music.

My dad had a great record collection, which included some music from Mexico, and so I always loved it.

Many film scores try to force an emotion into a story that inherently is not there in the first place.

Sometimes people do things because they are sad or because they are upset or were hurt by other people.

I have an uncle who was heavily involved in World War 2, so over the years, I've talked to him many times.

I love Glenn Gould. Max Steiner. John Williams. Louis Prima. Benny Goodman. Miles Davis. John Philip Sousa.

For me, the music is always speaking from the point of view of the characters. Rarely do you score an event.

My dad gave me his camera, so I spent my childhood making movies with the kids in the neighborhood as actors.

Without my experiences on the likes of 'Lost' and 'Alias,' I don't know if I would have survived 'Rogue One.'

I grew up with so many different sounds, and 'Lost' allows me to express all of it, the melodic and the atonal.

When you're starting out in this business, it's very easy to want to say yes to everything that's offered to you.

When I was a kid, I wanted to make movies. In particular, I loved animation and would love to have been an animator.

Of everything I've done in my career, or whatever you want to call it, 'Lost' is the purest version of me musically.

Art is difficult. It's not always going to please everyone; it's not always going to work the way you want it to work.

I watched 'Land of the Lost' as a kid, you know, incessantly. I loved it. Me and my brother watched it every Saturday.

A lot of people have said it to me 'You made me cry.' And it was only because I cried myself when I watched the movie.

I have tons of drawings of 'Star Wars,' whether it be stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Star Destroyers, or the whole thing.

Filmmaking is hard enough as it is. If you can find a group you love working with, it makes it just a little bit easier.

That's one of the neat things about 'Call of Duty.' There are areas in the game where we were able to score the gameplay.

If you have a bad story on your hands, you have a bad story on your hands, and no amount of score re-working is gonna save that.

The Internet's a crazy place to hang out because it's insane to see so many people doing so many creative things all over the map.

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