Little wars start big wars.

ISIS is the greatest threat.

We're a compassionate nation.

We have a failed state in Syria.

We cannot stop what we cannot see.

Delay is not our friend. Delay is our enemy.

Our United States military is not our threat.

Obama is dedicated to a 'drip, drip' doctrine.

Remember, the Boston bombers were Chechen rebels.

I'm a big supporter of our United States military.

Yemen is one of the most dangerous spots in the world.

I don't think Mr. Putin has our best interests at heart.

Anything I can do to help destroy ISIS, I will support that.

First and foremost, my job is to protect the American people.

We've had to pull out of so many countries in Northern Africa.

Churchill didn't dance around the Nazis; he called it fascism.

I think drones are a good tool to go after high-valued targets.

We need a military strategy to defeat terrorists on the ground.

Now we have a generational threat struggle called Islamist extremism.

Terror threats to the U.S. homeland have reached unprecedented levels.

Our adversaries no long fear us, and our enemies are plotting against us.

I want to give the American people assurances that we are protecting them.

I would advise Donald Trump to try to bring and unify this party together.

It's a very angry electorate out there. I think Trump is tapping into that.

There's no national strategy to deal with combating terrorism and foreign fighters.

I cannot support a program that could potentially bring jihadists into the United States.

We're dealing with an enemy now, ISIS, that has a very sophisticated social media program.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is the largest external operation force within al Qaeda.

We are monitoring very closely threats against the pope as he comes in to the United States.

I think, in Washington, getting things for the great people of Texas done is an important job.

I was a federal prosecutor when we exercised powers under the Patriot Act or under the FISA court.

Violent extremism is going viral, but our response to it is moving at bureaucratic, sluggish speed.

Libya is a failed state and becoming a launching pad for external operations, as is Sinai in Egypt.

That's what really concerns me about the modern-day terrorists that we face is this global expansion.

In the radical Islamist jihad world, you're seeing more and more recruits going to ISIS rather than al-Qaida.

I'm very disturbed about the uptick in shootings and violence at our military installations across the nation.

I think Syria is now the training ground for the world... These rebel forces are more of a threat than anything.

We want to do this methodically, smart, starting with border security then looking at immigration reform measures.

Peacekeeping funds are an important and necessary part of what America does for humanity and the rest of the world.

This policy of containment is not a winning strategy. We need a policy to defeat and destroy ISIS once and for all.

We have entered a new phase in Islamist terror. Fifteen years after 9/11, our enemies have regained their momentum.

We pulled out of Libya. Now look what's happened: a safe haven, a vacuum, ISIS training militants to hit in Tunisia.

The pope is a very... passionate man. He likes to get out with the people, and with that comes a large security risk.

This is an unprecedented pace of terror in modern times. And so, to say they're on the run absolutely defies reality.

I am speaking as a Republican now, not a national security expert, but I believe that my party needs to come together.

There's a conspiracy going on online every day between these top U.K. individuals within ISIS leadership out of Syria.

Social media campaigns and the savviness of ISIS and propaganda is what greatly concerns us Homeland Security officials.

We're seeing Iran now through the Shia militias in Iraq. We're seeing Iran in Syria; we know the Quds Force is in there.

We know there are terrorists communicating with individuals in the United States. We just can't see what they're saying.

I think Mrs. Clinton has a lot of weaknesses because she was the architect of the Obama administration's foreign policy.

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