Theres so much to becoming a woman.

I give people my heart and my full attention.

I like girls who don't mind that I hang out with my friends.

Though it`s a small price to pay, shaving my head has opened more doors than I ever thought possible.

Besides the physical strains I realized men can be pigs to women even when it's a man dressed as one.

Though it's a small price to pay, shaving my head has opened more doors than I ever thought possible.

Being in drag for three months - I now have an idea of what women go through. At least maybe a little.

I was a mechanic at a go-cart place, a deejay at a roller rink, a telemarketer in New York, a grocery bagger.

I treat everyone as a friend, but if they betray me, that's it. They're out of my life in one way or another.

They asked me why I was wearing heels, and I said, I'm trying to hide my ass. They gave me a prosthetic behind.

I was pretty much a homebody; didn't really go to school dances, never went to a prom. I was a bit of a loner, a geek.

The first day of shooting I walk up to Christopher Walken, and I said, Should I call you Mr. Walken or Chris? He goes, 'Call me Flash.'

I'm into classic games like Donkey Kong, and also collect vintage tour t-shirts - everything from Olivia Newton-John to Duran Duran. I've got a Chicago one worth $100.

With all the horror in the world and all the crap that`s going on, for an hour and a half you go eat some popcorn and laugh with your friends. That`s what a movie is all about.

With all the horror in the world and all the crap that's going on, for an hour and a half you go eat some popcorn and laugh with your friends. That's what a movie is all about.

I said, 'Ooh, Dad, I want the yellow ones.' He said, 'Where?' I said, 'Right there, Dad. I want the yellow ones.' Everybody goes, 'Those are green'. That's how I knew I was colorblind.

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