We're in a world war.

I like serving America.

I've been called an extremist.

I do care about the direction of America.

My message to you is very clear: Wake up, America!

Iran has every intention to build a nuclear weapon.

There is no substitute - none - for American power.

You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists.

I could care less if someone is purple polka-dotted.

Nobody wanted Jeb Bush, nobody wants Hillary Clinton.

The Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party.

The Democratic Party is no longer the Democratic Party.

The only way to clean up Chicago is to get rid of Capone.

If there's a way to serve America, I'd always consider it.

I feel pretty passionate about what's happening to America.

I love serving this country, and I miss serving this country.

I think all of Europe has been too soft on the refugee crisis.

I think we have such a political cesspool in America right now.

The direction of this country is going into the wrong direction.

The Islamic ideology is a political ideology based on a religion.

There is no substitute for American leadership and exceptionalism.

We are tired of Obama's empty speeches and his misguided rhetoric.

Is there going to be a peace in the Middle East? Not in my lifetime.

There's one race that we have to worry about, and it's the human race.

Egypt is going to be, potentially, a failed state if we don't help them.

We're not going to act in a soft way for what we believe needs to be done.

Number One, if there is no America, then the world will be a complete mess.

Russia ought to get Iran to back out of the proxy wars they are involved in.

This pro-choice issue is a legal issue that should be decided by the courts.

There's one thing that I know about myself, I could wash dishes and be happy.

When you are given immunity that means that you've probably committed a crime.

I found Donald Trump to be very attuned to what was going on around the world.

The world has lost faith in American leadership, and the threats are mounting.

Because of Obama's ill-advised actions, the world has lost American leadership.

Why is it that the U.S. has to take refugees? Why doesn't Saudi Arabia take more.

Tehran already has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East.

I've always operated so far outside my lane, I'm not sure what lane is mine anymore.

One of the things I expect Mr. Trump would look for in a vice president is discretion.

We should not fear what our country was built on: a set of Judeo-Christian principles.

On the gay issue, hey, you know what, if people love each other, Jesus, I mean come on.

I think that our weakness is understanding that when we go to war, we go to war to win.

One thing I agree with Donald Trump on is, there's something going on in the Muslim world.

When you look back, history is not going to be kind to these last 16 years from 2000 to 2016.

Every year, the State Department declares Iran to be the world's primary supporter of terror.

Be more conscious about what you say about foreign policy issues, because they are complicated.

I think these al Qaeda franchise groups have clearly evolved into a much more dangerous strain.

What people do in their private lives, these are not big issues that our country's dealing with.

Remember the box fight: You start as a southpaw, you go back to fighting as a right-handed fighter.

Our message must be that we want to help and that we will leave once the problems have been solved.

I've been a soldier too long to refuse to entertain any request from a potential commander in chief.

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