I like Miami.

I love being outdoors.

I'm a sensitive person.

My life is consumed by racing.

If it doesn't hurt, it wasn't a big deal.

Charlotte is a place I always enjoy racing.

You don't win NASCAR races without ability.

Anybody can be replaced. I can be replaced.

I'm a Christian and I believe in angels and God.

I've been a pretty impatient driver my entire life.

If you look at my career statistics, it's not pretty.

I'm used to being judged. I know what that feels like.

I love to give people chances that otherwise wouldn't have them.

When I showed up to drive for Dale in '01 it was a brand new team.

If people don't know me, then I don't care what they say about me.

I act like I'm always in a good mood when I'm not, but it's my job.

I'll always wear NAPA blue. I'm thankful they were a part of my life.

They say some people are born with the ability to play golf. I wasn't.

I don't know anyone who's started more consecutive Daytona 500s than me.

You have faith in who you are as a driver and stay strong when things go wrong.

The computer systems that we have on our cars when we go test just blow my mind.

You've got to understand, I'd been trying to get to Victory Lane my whole career.

I was confident that I not only could win races, but I could win the championship.

Once the race starts, it doesn't matter what you did yesterday let alone last year.

I like to tell my own story using my personality and my insight, the way I see things.

This is racing. There is going to be twists and turns. You're going to be dealt setbacks.

The problem with many athletes is they take themselves seriously and their sport lightly.

I do believe I'm not good enough to be a professional dancer. I believe that in my heart.

Some people might say I'm two different people, but I think it's more like seven or eight.

I'm pretty comfortable in a car to know what I'm doing, and I'm exactly the opposite onstage.

There are several races that anything can happen and Talladega is one of those places for sure.

I won the Daytona 500. I won these races twice. I knew I didn't need anything cheating on my part.

You have to think that if you're starting first instead of 31st you've got a better chance to win.

As a driver, you always want to win every race, but as a car owner you know that isn't very realistic.

You can only beat a guy down so far before he has a tendency to start listening to what you're saying.

I love when architects build a golf course that compliments the landscape rather than intrudes upon it.

I try to motivate and inspire people by showing them how much I love this sport and love this organization.

It takes a good car for anybody to be good, but it takes a good car and a special driver to achieve greatness.

I love the sport, I love getting other drivers' helmets and collecting some of the things that are special to me.

When you've been ridiculed and talked about as much as I have over the course of my career, pressure doesn't exist.

I was always one who thought that if something is painful, you just ignore it and it will go away. That's not true.

I understand the relationships between the crew chiefs and the engineering or between fabrication and the body shop.

Driving the No. 26 Sandy Hook School Support Fund Toyota is like nothing I have ever been part of in my NASCAR career.

Predominantly everything I have and everything I do revolves around my commitment to NASCAR on the team ownership side.

It's sort of like baseball - the more you know about baseball, the more you get into a baseball game. NASCAR is the same way.

I just feel so confident when I get in my race car that I'm going to do good, I'm going to win, I'm going to outrun everybody.

I liked unique setups. Like when we started coil-binding springs or running soft springs, those things really felt good to me.

As I've gotten older, I know I race less, but I as an owner I have the same anxiety and the same frustration and energy for it.

I love Daytona and Talladega. I'd like to think maybe I could quit one day running all the races and just run a few that I like.

The drivability of an engine is a big part of the setup on a road course. If you can't squeeze the gas down you can't go anywhere.

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