I can't spread myself too thin.

We have to get control of our borders.

You have a losing team, you change the coach.

On Sundays, I usually go to church with my mother.

I don't know how you can govern without ever compromising.

I think partisanship is probably the greatest problem in Washington, D.C.

Elected officials have always been held to a higher standard, as we should be.

I love the diversity of my district, and it does drive a fair amount of my work.

I do think that we need more of a balance between merit-based and familial-based immigration.

I want to do something that is not political. I want to do some fundraising, just as a volunteer.

I just think that Stephen Miller is completely tone deaf when it comes to reforming our immigration system.

I think we need to go to a system... where we have tough enforcement. Where if you're here illegally, you're going to be deported.

It's too bad we can't take VA leadership and export it and give it to some of our adversaries around the planet. Let them suffer under VA's leadership.

Hillary Clinton is a non-starter and lacks the integrity to lead this nation, but Trump has a long way to go to earn the support of many - me included.

I believe President Obama loves this country and wakes up every morning trying to do what is best for our nation, even if I disagree with his approach.

There's a narrative out there about Republicans being not just anti-illegal immigrant, but anti-immigrant. It was very important to me to break the narrative.

Since the issues surrounding President Obama's birth certificate began during his campaign in 2008, I have rejected the notion that he is anything other than American.

Low-wage individuals barely get anything. I think we have to reward work, and I do think that we need to bump up the earned income tax credit to help low-wage workers.

I am a Marine Corps veteran, but more importantly - or as important maybe - I'm the chairman of the Oversight Investigation Subcommittee and the House Veterans Affair Committee.

What is interesting in Washington, D.C., is I've never missed a vote. The veterans' committee keeps track of hearings, and I've never missed a hearing or a vote on the VA committee.

I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that. But I do know this: that in his heart, he's not an American. He's just not an American.

The frustration of Washington is you have to concentrate on just a few areas to really make a difference, and then so much of the power is at the top, at the committee chairman level.

The Dream Act will be a nightmare for the American people. No doubt, we need immigration reform, but the Dream Act is written far too broadly, and it will only encourage more illegal immigration, promote chain migration, and will be a magnet for fraud.

Midterms behave very differently than presidential elections. Midterms, for a federal candidate, often times are a referendum on the president, where in presidential years, voters make two separate choices: one for president and one for a federal officeholder.

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have tapped into a legitimate anger about the failures of Washington, but instead of running a campaign built on a positive vision for overcoming these failures, Donald Trump has conducted a polarizing and divisive campaign.

If there is anyone who knows what a rigged system looks like, it's Donald Trump, who was able to evade the draft during the height of the Vietnam War when the U.S. was losing on average 1,000 troops every month. That system was clearly rigged in favor of young men from politically influential families, but Donald Trump never complained about that.

It's different when you talk about immigration in the abstract... It's very different when you sit in front of a family, and [undocumented] children who grew up in this country, and who go to the same school you once went to... They thought if we only enforce the law, people will self-deport... It's not going to happen. The solution is not the status quo, or deportation when you're talking about breaking up families.

The only feasible solution is a political reconciliation... Mr. President, the time is now to put pressure on the Iraqi government to change. That is our only hope. Sending a contingent of U.S. military personnel, no matter how small, will be counterproductive to that goal. Our presence will send the wrong message to the Malaki government that we will support them despite what they have done and continue to do to destroy the country by alienating the minority populations of Iraq.

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