You will never change your life until you change something you do ...

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

Habit is stronger than desire.

Never complain about what you permit.

Discontent is the catalyst for change.

Your self-portait decides your conduct.

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

Money is merely a reward for solving problems.

Mentorship is the key to extraordinary success.

Giving is a proof that you have conquered greed.

Intolerance of your present creates your future.

You will never become rich, until you hate poverty

The only reason men fail is because of broken focus

Whatever you have been given is what someone needs.

What you fail to destroy will eventually destroy you.

Only fools make permanent decisions without knowledge.

You imagination is more important than your knowledge.

What your mind cannot master it will eventually resent.

You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue.

What you do daily determines what you become permanently

Immaturity is the inability to delay self gratification.

Tomorrow contains more joy than any yesterday you recall.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

Leaders make decisions that create the future they desire.

Attack is the proof that your enemy anticipates your success.

Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you.

When wrong people leave your life, wrong things stop happening

What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Pay any price to stay in the presence of extraordinary people.

Depression will always follow any decision to avoid a priority.

Money's an instrument. The Bible says money answereth all things.

Don't waste your time, it is too short, Valuable and irreplaceable.

The treatment you permit reveals the portrait you have of yourself.

Your schedule and your spending describe what you really love in life.

Truth is the most powerful force on earth because it cannot be changed.

A Every man has a king and a fool in him and the one you talk to reacts.

Those who unlock your compassion are those to whom you've been assigned.

Loneliness Is Not The Absence Of Affection, But The Absence Of Direction.

I can't change your life till I can get you to change your daily routine.

Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the something you do daily.

The longevity of every relationship is decided by the willingness to forgive

Sometimes you have to do something you dislike to create something you desire.

Popularity is when other people like you. Happiness is when you like yourself.

The day you make a decision about your life is the day your world will change.

A successful life is expensive; it will cost you something to become a champion.

God loves you because of whom you are but he blesses you because of what you do.

Success will smile at the man who refuses to lie down at the corridor of failure.

You will only be remembered for two things: the problems you solve or the ones you create.

Ever heard the story about a cat that accidentally caught a mouse in his sleep? Me neither

When you access and evaluate your goals, you will uncluttered your life of the unnecessary.

Your significance is not in your similarity to another - it is in your point of difference.

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