Human cloning is coming.

Negative campaigning is wrong.

Donald Trump is a strong leader.

For me, my faith informs my life.

Hoosiers don't believe in discrimination.

Let's welcome the children into the world.

I think enhanced interrogation saved lives.

I support free trade, and so does Donald Trump.

Law enforcement in America is a force for good.

America wins when we trade and export and import.

Our enemies will respond only to American strength.

My Christian faith is at the very heart of who I am.

Weakness arouses evil. The American people know this.

I grew up with a front row seat to the American dream.

The most important job I'll ever have is spelled D-A-D.

On the world stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength.

I was raised to believe in hard work, in faith and family.

We need new leadership in the USA that will name our enemy.

Donald Trump is a charismatic personality bigger than life.

We need to act and act now to get people out of harm's way.

I don't believe Rush Limbaugh has a racist bone in his body.

It's time for conservative Americans to right the ship again.

Trump is committed to being the president for every American.

He was a combat veteran from Korea, and he was a great father.

Donald Trump's not a polished politician like Hillary Clinton.

American ideals are superior to countries all across the world.

Let's put the safety and security of the American people first.

Adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.

[Donald Trump] is a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers.

I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.

Donald Trump is going to speak the truth to the American people.

I want to be very clear - there will be no path to legalization.

I think if you're gonna be pro-life, you should be pro adoption.

I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.

I don't think we should ever tell our enemy what our tactics are.

The provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength.

Community policing is a great idea. It's worked in the Hoosier state.

I have a sense of this man [Donald Trump]. I have a sense of his heart.

Donald Trump has made an incredible connection with everyday Americans.

We're going to rebuild America with American workers and American tools.

Donald Trump has got a big heart. He loves his family, he loves America.

I long for the day that "Roe v. Wade" is sent to the ash heap of history.

We really think health savings accounts were kind of invented in Indiana.

I was honored when [Donald Trump] asked me to chair the transition effort.

I'm not sure that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama know that we're at war.

The president [Donald Trump] said his three-part agenda is jobs, jobs, jobs.

We can choose a leader who will fight every day to make America great again.

Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional.

Reasonable people can differ on whether or not we should have gone into Iraq.

Let's recognize that, the Houthi rebels in Yemen are fully subsidized by Iran.

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