We are a nation of immigrants.

I worked as a federal prosecutor in New Jersey.

We must stand up to anti-Semitism at home and abroad.

New Jerseyans knew that the SALT deduction cap would hurt.

If you're born a woman, you have a pre-existing condition.

Religious freedom sits at the core of who we are as Americans.

I flew an H3 Sea King. The most famous Sea King is Marine One.

The security and integrity of our election system remains paramount.

The toll of COVID-19 on the state of New Jersey cannot be understated.

Letting the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund close is not an option.

Here in North Jersey, our Muslim community is essential to our social fabric.

We should not be playing politics with the security and safety of our commuters.

I have pledged to work hard to get the state and local tax deduction cap lifted.

Harmful Algal Blooms are a serious environmental and economic threat to New Jersey.

I left the Navy as a lieutenant after spending almost 10 years as a helicopter pilot.

I served in the Navy in Europe and know firsthand the importance of our NATO partners.

I began serving my country when I was 18 years old and entered the U.S. Naval Academy.

I grew up up and down the East Coast mostly. I went to high school in Reston, Virginia.

There are serious and legitimate concerns about academic espionage at our universities.

I think we can build broad bipartisan support for bringing down prescription drug costs.

I went to the Naval Academy in Annapolis and then I went right into the Navy after that.

It's incredibly important that I decided to serve my country before deciding to run for office.

The burden of student loan debt weighs heavily on both students and families across New Jersey.

We need to restore the faith and trust between law enforcement and communities across the country.

Navigating the healthcare system for children with special health needs can be daunting for families.

Federal research is vital to the innovation that drives our local economy and global competitiveness.

Caring for our nation's veterans and investing in Picatinny are some of my top priorities in Congress.

Iron Dome is a proven defense system that will provide increased protection for our troops in the field.

The National Guardsmen and women in New Jersey have been on the front lines of our fight against COVID-19.

New Jerseyans know the importance of clean air, clean drinking water, and protecting our natural resources.

My grandfather served as a pilot with the Army Air Corps, and he was shot down over Normandy in August 1944.

State and local governments in New Jersey are a critical line of defense in the effort to respond to COVID-19.

While no community is immune to the impacts of COVID-19, I'm troubled by the disparate impact to communities of color.

Long-standing bipartisan support for Israel in Congress is grounded in our common values and shared security interests.

I believe it is my responsibility as a member of Congress to ensure that I protect our country from any and all threats.

North Jersey residents rely on mass transit to get to work and our entire region is interconnected by our transit system.

Due to climate change, wildfires are growing in size, frequency, and intensity, and wildfire seasons are becoming longer.

I told New Jerseyans that I would find ways to work for commonsense, bipartisan solutions to some of our greatest challenges.

Each generation is trusted with protecting our open spaces and natural resources to pass them on to future Americans to enjoy.

The broken VA disability claims process has failed to adequately aid veterans with toxic exposure during their military service.

I served as a Russian policy officer in the U.S. Navy and worked to implement our nuclear agreements with the Russian Federation.

I'm working with the New Dems, who are talking about the future of work, which is something I'm very interested in in New Jersey.

I constantly hear from residents throughout my community about the need for common sense action in Congress to reduce gun violence.

Some of the most important discoveries, innovations, and advances in our history have come from those seeking a new life in America.

The Great American Outdoors Act is landmark conservation legislation to protect our public lands, including right here in New Jersey.

Picatinny Arsenal is essential to the safety of our women and men in the field and to delivering a qualitative edge for our military.

Justice Ginsburg is a shining example of how one person can impact our world and truly make a difference. May her memory be a blessing.

We have an obligation to ensure our service members are protected, our national defense is resilient, and our forces are well-equipped.

Nothing affects people's lives who go in and out of New York more than their commute. It is unavoidable, and it must be done every day.

You want somebody in Congress representing you that on some level you feel has the same values you do and has the same priorities you do.

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