Sparks fly, it's like electricity.

I might die if I forget how to breathe.

My ideal guy would be funny and fun to be around.

I really love music but I've always wanted to act.

I've feel like I've been doing TV shows most of my life.

I think the Beatles are a lot of people's favorite band.

I want to go to college, and I want to keep acting and singing.

I love theater. Like, every time I go to New York, I see a play.

I've only had one serious boyfriend, but we dated for three years.

I want to get the message out that everybody can make a difference.

I'm not that rebellious. There's a part of me that wishes I was that.

I'm on the Web a lot. I like to play games online. Sometimes I play Sims.

I love entertaining and making people laugh. It's my favorite thing to do.

Growing up, my next door neighbor was my best friend and an only child too.

My dad went to USC and it always had been very important to me and my family.

I write songs all the time in my room. I play them for my friends and family.

A big part of why I wanted to go to college is to meet people and make friends.

I love entertaining people and making them laugh. It's my favorite thing to do.

I've been acting for a while, but theater is pretty different. I've never been in a play.

My room is never clean. I play 'Guitar Hero' all the time and throw things around my room.

My parents never said I had to be 16 to date, but that has been the rule for all my friends.

I like the old, classic scary movies. I love 'Psycho,' 'The Sixth Sense,' and 'Poltergeist.'

Everybody in L.A. wants to be an actor. I just wish I could meet somebody who doesn't act or sing.

I've seen all the Judd Apatow movies, and I'd love to have a really funny little part in one of them some day.

I definitely have guys that I'm friends with that I have a crush on, and you don't want to ruin the friendship.

I do text a lot. Sometimes, at night, my thumbs hurt because I've texted so much, so I definitely text too much.

It [Dr Phil] was great. We had such a good time. Never a dull moment on set, considering the 18 kids. It never got boring.

Some of my favorite movies are just movies that are just good stories, and aren't necessarily big budget movies or anything.

I'm a big tandem bike rider... I've had a tandem bike since I was 12, and I wanna be a competitive tandem bike rider one day.

Being in the movie [School of Rock] was really cool. Sometimes we had to do takes over, but Jack always kept us going. He was fun.

With the 'iCarly' soundtrack, I didn't get to write any of the songs. I just picked songs that meant a lot to me that I really liked.

One fan asked me to sign their sock. That was crazy. They just took off their shoe and handed me their sock and asked if I'd sign it.

I love getting my nails done. My mom's best friend is a manicurist. When I was little, she'd do little paintings on my nails, like flowers.

The first time someone called me a role model, I remember thinking, 'What does that mean?' But I feel aware of it when I'm reading scripts.

I'm an only child, and after making the movie [Yours, Mine and Ours], I know it would be awesome to have 17 brothers and sisters in real life.

I'm more into, like, colour than, like, the type of car and stuff. I don't know much about cars, so I'm just more into picking the right color.

My mom is a really good cook. I didn't get the cooking gene, but she cooks this really amazing dinner every Christmas, and that's always really fun.

I had to take the driver's test twice. And they don't make you parallel park anymore, but you can't hit the curb when you're backing up. And I hit the curb.

I do have a journal, that I write all my thoughts in every day. So that's kind of something. I also have a burn box where I write secrets down and put it in a box.

As far as movies, I love 'The Notebook.' I always say that I wish I could play Rachel McAdams' character. She's amazing. That's the movie every girl wants to be in.

I love getting my nails done. My mom's best friend is a manicurist. When I was little, she'd do little paintings on my nails, like flowers. She comes to our house. It's the best.

I like James Franco. I think he's really cute. I remember a while ago there was a rumor going around that he was getting married and all my friends and I were freaking out. Yeah, I think he's cute!

My friends and I have always loved the Neutrogena brand and their ability to help inspire confidence. So when I found out I was actually going to be part of the Neutrogena family, I was really excited.

I do home schooling. I went to regular school until fifth grade, and then I started doing home schooling, which it's completely different. I have a teacher on set with me and I just work with her, one-on-one.

I love making 'iCarly' - it's so much fun, and I love getting the script every week and not really knowing what insane thing I'm going to be doing. It's just like an adventure every episode; that's really fun.

When I was 5, I started taking singing lessons, and then, after 'School of Rock,' I started taking guitar lessons. I would always write songs and play them for my friends, and I would play my guitar on the set a lot.

I feel like I hadn't given that many classic films, like, a really good chance. I watched 'Casablanca' a really long time ago when I was like, 12. I didn't like it that much, and then when I saw it again in class, I loved it.

It's Crazy when I watch myself on TV. I'm always thinking like 'oh no how could I have done that' and I go crazy like seeing these little things that I do that probably other people would never even notice and stuff like that.

I've had journals ever since I was really little. Sometimes I write poems and stuff, but for the most part I write down what happens to me during the day that I don't want to forget. So I have books filled with little things like that.

I don't have any siblings, but I have best friends that I have known since kindergarten that I'm protective of. If they call me and tell me someone was mean to them at school - I want to go to school and be mean to that person and try to stand up for them.

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