Live the dream, Potato.

I've always had a dog phobia.

Don't wait to be sure. Move, move, move.

I gave you things I wasn't sure I even had.

The job of the artist is to point at things.

I could not make a move without making love.

I was going to die and it was taking forever.

When I had a baby, I was consumed with my body.

Inelegantly, and without my consent, time passed.

But, like ivy, we grow where there is room for us.

Nothing really mattered, and nothing could be lost.

I'm not embarrassed about not having read any book.

He pulled away, but his eyes held my eyes like hands.

He's stuck at 3:14 a.m. with only the moon to talk to.

I can't imagine being invested in someone else's script.

We come from long lines of people destined never to meet.

I had a joint once and I didn't feel right for a whole year

To do someone else's script? I don't think I'd have a reason.

I feel like my only safety is in being totally true to myself.

I'm quite a cerebral person. Often I feel quite stuck in that.

Would she understand that time had stopped while she was gone.

He seemed to be waiting for me to move forward. Weren't we all.

I definitely wanted much more normalness than what was around me.

My husband and I are two people who never thought we'd be married.

It was a tiny sound but it woke me up because it was a human sound.

My love for my son just destroys me. I can barely even talk about it.

Making a movie: It's so hard. It's the hardest of all the things I do.

When you can see the beauty of a tree, then you will know what love is.

Life is just this way, broken, and I am crazy to hope for something else.

What a terrible mistake to let go of something wonderful for something real.

I went to the bedroom and lay on the floor, so as not to mess up the covers.

I spend a lot of time obsessing about getting a dignified eight hours' sleep.

It's amazing how little you can see people but still stay in regular contact.

I knew the beginning and the end – I just had to dream up a convincing middle.

Maybe that's why people take pictures of themselves, to avoid being described.

I can guarantee you nothing I do is a conscious attempt to inject something in.

The word God asks a question and then answers it before there is any chance to wonder.

Did you ever really love her? Not really no. But me? Yes. Even though I have no pizzazz?

My way into making movies - into making things is general - has been through performing.

She bludgeoned me with a look of such limitless compassion that I immediately began to cry.

Things usually make sense in time, and even bad decisions have their own kind of correctness.

I wondered if i would spend the rest of my life inventing complicated ways to depress myself.

My earliest memory is aged three, seeing sunlight on water and feeling it was really magical.

I'm not a cinephile. My films don't reference films. I'm more interested in rhythm and feeling.

Thus far, everything I've made has come out of my really feeling it, out of the fire of my life.

Where do we come from? Do souls really exist? I can't answer these questions, especially not at 6am.

It would require constant vigilance to not replace each person with my own fictional version of them.

I really did not feel okay about any of this, and there was really nothing I could do about any of it.

I am a big fan of work in any medium that can take on death - being dead, being a soul - in a new way.

I just happen to be from the generation that, like a lot of my older friends, started out writing letters.

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