Small towns are like metronomes; with the slightest flick, the beat changes.

Chicago keeps getting all these complete games. Im expecting 50 cent hot dogs.

I seem to have very few casual readers, only passionate and appreciative ones.

You have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it.

I had a very high-grade publisher tell me I was incapable of writing a memoir.

The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others.

But hurting ourselves to inflict pain on others is just another cry to be loved.

Critics have a problem with sentimentality. Readers do not. I write for readers.

Learn what you do not know. Understand the consequences of counting the moments.

Heaven is always and forever around us and no soul remembered is ever really gone.

You know what really offers you satisfaction? Offering others what you have to give.

No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we're alone.

You've lived through a lot of wars, I said. "Yes." Do they ever make more sense? "No.

sometimes what you miss the most is the way a loved one made you feel about yourself.

And I suppose tapes are a desperate attempt to steal something from Death's suitcase.

I think we hear a lot of talk about college, and we don't hear about early education.

You count the hours you could have spent with your mother. It's a lifetime in itself.

It is no coincidence that the words 'trying' and 'dying' are only a few letters apart.

I've always said I have one skill. That skill - if I have it at all - is storytelling.

Remember, the only difference between 'marital' and 'martial' is where you put the 'i'.

Dor: there is a reason God lmits our days. Victor: why? Dor: to make each one precious.

Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will.

A heart weighs more when it splits in two; it crashes in the chest like a broken plane.

Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness.

She was like a wound beneath an old bandage, and he had grown more used to the bandage.

You're not going to fix things by helping 65-year-olds or 75-year-olds for any long run.

I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realized I was doing it.

my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" from the book of Isaiah

When a lost loved one appears before you, it's your brain that fights it, not your heart.

Courage is confused with picking up arms and cowardness is confused with laying them down.

The most inspirational man I knew only reached his potential by helping a child reach his.

It’s not contagious, you know. Death is as natural as life. It’s part of the deal we made.

When you're rotten about yourself, you become rotten to everyone else, even those you love.

If you are fully alive to the prospect of dying, you really start reprioritising your life.

He did not know that the child who had asked for yesterday was now seeking to own tomorrow.

If you could pack for heaven, this was how you'd do it, touching everything, taking nothing.

There are many things in my life that I wish I could take back. Many moments I would recast.

A child embarrassed by his mother,” she said, “is just a child who hasn’t lived long enough.

We all have two things in common, no matter who we are: We were born and we are going to die.

What you have done to this point cannot be undone. What you do next... It is still unwritten.

People who don't normally read make an exception for my books, possibly because they're short.

It's nice that you spend a day with your mother,' she said. "Children should do it more often.

This is a story about a man named Eddie and it begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun.

How could he find perfection in such an average day? Then I realized this was the whole point.

Status will get you nowhere. Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone.

How do people choose their final words? Do they realize their gravity? Are they fated to be wise?

For as spiritual as some people think my books are, I've never really dealt with religious things.

I know I cannot undo this. None of us can undo what we’ve done, or relive a life already recorded.

I give myself a good cry if I need it, but then I concentrate on all good things still in my life.

With endless time, nothing is special. With no loss or sacrifice, we can’t appreciate what we have

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