Love is often the fruit of marriage.

Love is often the fruit of marriage.

Gold makes the ugly beautiful.

Assassination's the fastest way.

How easy love makes fools of us.

Reason is not what decides love.

Music and dance are all you need.

To marry a fool is to be no fool.

Too great haste leads us to error.

Perfect reason avoids all extremes.

Ah, there are no children nowadays.

Two wives? That exceeds the custom.

Books and marriage go ill together.

Without dance, a man can do nothing.

Birth is nothing where virtue is not

I have the knack of easing scruples.

We are easily duped by those we love.

Innocence is not accustomed to blush.

Grammar, which can govern even Kings.

The envious will die, but envy never.

A woman always has her revenge ready.

She is laughing up her sleeve at you.

Ah, there are no longer any children!

Deference and intimacy live far apart.

Virtue is the first title of nobility.

Solitude terrifies the soul at twenty.

Time has nothing to do with the matter.

I live on good soup, not on fine words.

There is no protection against slander.

But it is not reason that governs love.

You are a fool in four letters, my son.

Malicious men may die, but malice never.

One should eat to live, not live to eat.

The smallest errors are always the best.

One can be well-bred and write bad poetry

I recover my property wherever I find it.

Sharing with Jupiter is never a dishonor.

You are my peace, my solace, my salvation.

Oh, how fine it is to know a thing or two.

With a smile we should instruct our youth.

All is wholesome in the absence of excess.

I will maintain it before the whole world.

Consistency is only suitable for ridicule.

The world, dear Agnes, is a strange affair.

We die only once, and for such a long time.

Man, I can assure you, is a nasty creature.

The true touchstone of wit is the impromptu.

I feed on good soup, not beautiful language.

We are all mortals, and each is for himself.

It's an odd job, making decent people laugh.

Birth means nothing where there is no virtue.

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