Nobody's safe, humor wise.

I had a very liberal family.

Going from one kid to two kids is insane.

I think I'm more the method acting school.

With a toddler, chilling out is hard to do.

Inspiration is key for me in choosing characters.

There's really no way to plan how to play an alien.

My son's baby paraphernalia always ends up in my bag.

You don't know what love is until you meet your child.

I've had some strange fan encounters, that's for sure.

There are many people who live with terrorism every day.

I was your typical pregnant lady - pickles and watermelon.

Having no emotions is the most difficult, to tone it down.

I've done some sitcoms here and there, but nothing long term.

Nothing can prep you for eight years of sex scenes in one day.

I don't have any powers other than the power of sex. And humor.

I swim laps, which is nice because I'm weightless in the water.

I get nervous for any competition. I also get really competitive.

I feel that I have grown so much as an actor being on 'Homeland'.

I feel that I have grown so much as an actor being on 'Homeland.'

They have a joy for life in Brazil unlike any country I've ever seen.

I would love to be a Bond girl. That is on my bucket list, definitely.

When I was 7, we moved to New York because my dad's job was transferred.

I do think it is possible to be in love with two people at the same time.

You can't throw a rock without a comic book character falling out of a tree.

I'd love to do a comedic film. I'd love to do a very epic Shakespearian film.

It's rare that this woman gets to be in a superhero movie and not be the victim.

My whole family is very artistic - my uncles are all actors and theatre directors.

At a certain point, I think, you harden yourself to the realities of the business.

The dream as an actor is being able to bounce back and forth between different things.

I grew up in the West Village and went to the New York City Lab School for junior high.

I've had long hair, I've had short hair, and I've had in between hair... and its all good.

I understand people are curious, but it doesn't matter. My personal life is my personal life.

I'm an avid cook. Brazilian, some Italian, a little French. And I often throw dinner parties.

That's the charm of Deadpool. He's charmingly annoying, and he'll be the first to admit that.

Humans have a sense of spontaneity and emotion. We have a dichotomy between grief and happiness.

It was humbling to see how many fans there are of 'Serenity.' It's like an underground fan base.

You like to think that you're bigger than your traditions and customs, but they form who you are.

My dad was a news editor for a Brazilian news station, and they had offices in New York and London.

Women work as much as men now, if not more. There's a resurgence of dads in the home and moms working.

If you watch the news, you see politicians use human vulnerabilities to get in and earn people's trust.

I am not that savvy, to be honest. I know what I believe in, and I try to follow people who do the same.

My mother put me on birth control as soon as I told her I wanted to go on it. I was 16. I was very young.

I feel that my drive and ambition is more American, while the passionate, laid-back side of me is all Brazilian.

In Brazil, you are very close to your family; we saw our cousins every weekend, and my grandmother lived with us.

I tend to wear flats and jeans and no makeup and walk around, go to the grocery store, and do whatever I have to do.

The quality and sparkle of Hearts On Fire diamonds is truly unmatched, and I am really excited to represent the brand.

It's incredibly fun as an actor to get to play different styles and different genres for completely different audiences.

We're all interested in life outside of Earth. We all have a fascination with what's out there because we don't really know.

My first role was in a Nativity play. My mom was playing Mary, and I was crying backstage, so she brought me out as Baby Jesus.

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