I love William Gibson.

We like flawed people.

I love using drama and humour.

Seeing the first edit is the worst.

Love is not selfish. Love is something else.

'The Imitation Game' is a very British film.

I don't see myself directing the same movie twice.

We're very skeptical of people who are too perfect.

I'm a Coen Brothers fan - especially their early work.

I love when people say 'Imitation Game' is such a crowd pleaser.

As a filmmaker, I don't want to limit myself to one kind of movie.

I'm from Norway, but I always felt like I'd grown up with British culture.

It's a blessing to find a project you feel you have to make or you'll die.

We have to remind ourselves that what we take for granted now is hard-won.

Turing was very strong and driven and, at the same, so awkward and fragile.

Trying to explain Turing's work in encryption and decryption? It's complicated.

To me, it's mind-boggling to think that homosexuality was forbidden up until 1967.

It's great to try another format and be part of telling a story over ten episodes.

We had everything from the BBC on our TV, so British drama seems very close to home.

Sometimes you read something, and you have to read more and more about the background.

Making a movie is universal. Directing a movie is universal; it's a universal language.

What you want, as a filmmaker, is to be obsessed with and fall in love with the material.

I'm a sci-fi fan, but a lot of the sci-fi you're getting is the same. It's very stereotypical.

When you watch a Hitchcock movie, you feel like learning back because there's a master in control.

I love history, and I thought I knew history well, but I was shocked by how little I knew about it.

For film fans to support 'The Imitation Game' means so much to me, the entire cast and film-making team.

You never have any idea where your movie's going to go when you're shooting - you're in this little bubble.

The more shaded, flawed characters that are struggling, I think there's something very relatable about that.

If you want the human psyche, how we deal with humans in these situations, WWII is a very tangled place to go.

You first do the assembly cut, which is basically the cut that mirrors the script. You've got to start with that.

I came to Hollywood and felt myself an outsider, and I was sent all these action thrillers and superhero scripts.

Sometimes you have to do the things that scare you and that are outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

I always wanted to do a sci-fi movie, but most sci-fi scripts are either about saving the planet or fighting aliens.

I don't think the biggest crime is to not sympathize with people. I think the biggest crime is to not be interested.

I was shocked that I knew so little about Alan Turing. Then I started to read about him, and I got a little obsessed.

To me, Turing is as much of a philosopher as he is a mathematician because his ideas deal with what it means to think.

You do not move forward by following convention. You celebrate those who are different, who are not burdened by 'normality.'

Bob Dylan is someone that - I don't care how long into the future it is - somebody will still play Bob Dylan. He will always survive.

That's what you want: you want projects that you fall in love with. I don't think you pick your projects; you fall in love with them.

World War II was the last 'pure' war. It was purely heroic. There was someone who tried to conquer the world, who tried to exterminate people.

I'm very tired, but this is what every filmmaker dreams about: that their $15 million, under-the-radar film is now being seen by so many people.

'Headhunters' was a breakthrough film for me, internationally, and I got offered a lot of scripts from Hollywood - a lot of heightened hero movies.

Filmmaking is about moments. In real life, things might take six months, a year, but [in filmmaking] you have to create the moment where it happened.

I hope I can be a filmmaker where every movie will be different, and not make one type of movie. I'm always looking for a character that interests me.

In every Kubrick movie, there is so much great thought put into the surroundings. It's almost like the sets are huge characters in the movie at all times.

Turing was fearless. He's extremely direct, which can be seen as socially awkward, and that becomes both his big obstacle but also, in many ways, his strength.

I'm from Norway, but I always felt like I'd grown up with British culture. We had everything from the BBC on our TV, so British drama seems very close to home.

I always felt Harrison Ford looked like he's about to shoot himself when he's carrying his own gun. He always looked afraid; he's not just this tough guy, you know?

When you go to the movies, you expect the movie to create a world that you can immerse yourself in, that you can step into. Sci-fi is a beautiful way of doing that.

What scares me is not living up to be a good enough father to my son and letting down my family - not being there enough and not being able to give enough of yourself.

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