Everybody likes to be appreciated.

I want to score goals and make goals.

I am not the sort of player who runs away.

I just like to play, to pass the ball and dribble.

I notice I have both African and Belgian characteristics.

Before I came to Tottenham, I was a big fan of Luka Modric.

I'm not a Maradona, and it's not my intention to become one.

It's not so easy to go to a club like Chelsea as a young guy.

I couldn't have imagined Belgium being number one in the world.

To hear my name sung at WHL & Wembley made me incredibly proud.

I like to challenge myself, to compare myself against the best.

I like African music but also R&B, rap, alternative rock, and classic.

I don't watch too much football at home. I only watch the Premier League.

When I was young, I never shot. I always wanted to dribble the ball in the goal.

There's a lot of positions I like to play. I think maybe the diversity is something positive.

It's a very good thing to have a group that stays together and understands each other as well.

Always, against top teams, if you play well, and especially in the Champions League, it's good.

Outside football, I like to go to musicals or the theatre. My favourite one is the 'Jersey Boys.'

Tottenham have always had unbelievable players, and the only thing that has changed is our mentality.

I've always been a fan of martial arts actor Bruce Lee. His films made me want to go to China one day.

Nobody is perfect. Even Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo can sometimes look like players from League One.

A club like Tottenham are up there with the top teams, and I think they have to be in the Champions League.

I can empathise with different cultural expressions and am open to things that seem strange at first sight.

Tottenham play some of the most attractive football in the Premier League - we have a beautiful style of play.

I've played a lot of games, and automatically, if I play a lot of games, I feel fitter, much stronger, and good.

I think that most players enjoy playing football, but, like in everything, there are good moments and bad moments.

Every day in normal training, I'm trying to score more. And after training, I stay to practise my shooting as well.

Every year, you have to have the feeling to achieve the Champions League. Otherwise, we should stop playing football.

I heard already there is good food in Guangzhou. I will try this a lot. I think my family will enjoy it as well here.

I broke everything inside the house - boom! - but my mother was always very nice. She'd say, 'OK, OK, have another ball.'

I know Lukaku quite well. We are from the same city, and I've known him since we were quite young - maybe eight or nine. My best friend is his cousin.

I chose China because I needed something new. Other clubs in Europe and Qatar were also a possibility, but the adventure at Guangzhou was the most interesting.

If you hear big clubs are interested, it's always nice to know people appreciate what you do, but when Tottenham said, 'We want him,' I didn't have to think twice.

You have an atmosphere at Tottenham like, 'Okay, we are not scared of anyone,' and we have the same feeling with the national team. Everywhere we go at Tottenham, we have a good feeling.

I've been five times to Mali, and when you're there, it makes you feel differently, like you realise you've a lot in life to be thankful for, and you have to give something back as well.

For me, in the past, scoring has not always been the most important thing. My priorities have been to play well, to be important for the team. After that, I've always told myself that if I score, then that's just okay.

I like to watch the top teams in different countries, like Spain or Bayern Munich in Germany. The rest I don't watch. I have nothing to do with that. I'm not a freak. I know guys who watch every game. I'm not like that.

When you have pain, you have pain, and it's always, like, 30 percent there. Of course, there were some games when I was struggling a lot, but there are different solutions to solve it - anti-inflammatory and this kind of thing - so the pain goes away a bit.

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