I'm not a very patient person.

Veterans' issues have always spoken to me.

We're not seeing enough women rising to the top.

I love it when a man knows his place - right, ladies?

My heart has always been in programming and marketing.

When you meet a veteran, thank them for their service.

You can never rest on what you did yesterday; it's old.

One of the epidemics in our industry is the abuse of power.

Celebrating failure is key. Half of what we do fails, at least.

There is a lot of content out there for the female demographic.

It's not enough just to put great television shows out anymore.

I think the culture and DNA of our organization is to take risks.

We knew in our gut that History needed to be more than a timeline.

A lot of people make hay about 'American Idol's ratings and 'Empire.'

You have to follow the consumer, and the consumer will be in control.

Successful shows will always generate great business deals in the future.

If we can be changing some lives along the way, that's the holy grail on television.

I'm a big believer in picking your boss, not the job. Great people create great jobs.

I can't count the number of times I've sat in a meeting where it's been 20 men and me.

It's always strange to get an honor from people who are the ones that should be honored.

Each generation wants their own form of entertainment and their own form of storytelling.

You can have whatever platform you want, but without great content, you don't have anything.

There needs to be a bigger focus on creative innovation versus business models and cash flow.

We aren't afraid to take creative risks, which is the main ingredient in our recipe for change.

'The Client List' represents everything we want to be - fresh, exciting, and original with attitude.

'Cinnamon Girl' is a game changer for our network and is exactly the type of show we want to deliver.

We know romance novels are a huge thing. Can we do a romance novel show on our network? I'm not sure.

We're trying to create the connections of today that become the next generation's memories of tomorrow.

I know that when I'm watching a drama that I love, I'm disappointed when it's over at the end of an hour.

Taking action against a show because of one individual's behavior could put hundreds of jobs in jeopardy.

We knew that bringing a level of entertainment value to the subject of history was the key to our success.

Lifetime never had any unscripted shows, really. It just had 'Project Runway,' which was a bit of an island.

The History brand has long been a supporter of not only our troops but organizations that support our troops.

Both of my grandfathers served in World War II, both in the Pacific. One wouldn't talk about it, and one would.

You can't manage the creative process on a quarterly basis. The way we're structured has really helped us grow.

Consumers are looking for those trusted brands to help with search and discovery and streaming content choices.

We have a powerful portfolio of brands that are well-positioned for future growth, both domestically and internationally.

What someone does when viewing content on a tablet is different than the lean-back mentality of watching on the big screen.

Live news teaches you some incredibly strong lessons: that every day is a new day, and it's never too late to fix something.

It's my job... to push people out of their comfort zones. But we got to have a reason to do it. We don't do it gratuitously.

In this rapidly changing media environment, business transformations need to be closely linked to communications strategies.

TV is our window on the world. It's a powerful medium for great stories that become part of our very, very personal journey.

It doesn't make any sense for us to do a scripted series if it's not going to be big, so we have to be really disciplined about them.

We've always been for women, and we always will be for women. How we express that will be fluid over time as generations move forward.

Great managers recognize that there is no one way to manage. You may have to be 10 different managers to get the best out of your team.

It's a terrible thing to say, but I hated school. I'm very ADD, and my report card always said, 'If only she performed to her potential.'

It never seems like a good idea to do something that's way out there. But usually, the thing that's way out there is where we are heading.

Obviously, there needs to be parity. I think as more women get to the top, we need to make sure that is the case. It is our responsibility.

A+E Networks has been my home for over a decade. I am so proud of these brands and my A+E colleagues who are truly the best in the business.

Writing a check is easy. The opportunity for real change happens when there's a person who comes to you with real passion to create a movement.

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