I love Africa.

Make-up is an extension of your clothes.

I really, really love Daniel Craig as Bond.

I love Sam Mendes. He's a fantastic director.

You don't need to follow trends to be stylish.

I love doing a film with a new bunch of people.

Powerful women are the most interesting to play.

I like to believe that we all pray to the same god.

Without education, you really can't dream as a child.

I was too much of an innocent when I went to university.

Your boss is only human and just wants the best from you.

My mum believes in me almost more than I believe in myself.

I'm always looking for the comfiest place to lie down, like a cat.

I think there's nothing more amazing than helping people every day.

I'm not the greatest driver. I don't know if I'll ever master the art.

I don't think I have the assets to play the more traditional Bond Girl.

I usually look in my eyes to tell the truth of how I'm feeling that day.

Kids should be naughty and go through that rebellious phase I didn't have.

I'm incredibly impatient; I'd like to be less so, and more content with the now.

People have very strong opinions about how their national icons should be played.

I was brought up in Britain, and I'm very proud of my Britishness and my culture.

I still pray a lot. I still believe in God. I just don't believe in any set religion.

I have many different sides; I can be the life and soul of the party - or a wallflower.

To have the kind of success I have had is really amazing, and I am incredibly grateful.

We eat food all the time and don't really understand what goes into something like bread.

I really like Roland Moret, Alexander McQueen and Marios Schwab, a young British designer.

The wonderful thing about drama school is that it stretches you in a way the industry doesn't.

As a society we should be encouraging people out of the debt-culture mindset, not promoting it.

When you're on set, the crew are like your family because you see them every day, six days a week.

I would say only be an actress if you genuinely feel the calling, because it's a tough profession.

I've never been that person who wants a Rolls Royce or wants to live in a mansion or what have you.

I live on the same street as my family, actually. I live across the road. I'm a real family person!

People are already describing it [Skyfall] as the best Bond flick ever, and I really think it will be.

Getting to travel around the world and go to glamorous locations is certainly not what I had as a kid.

I cry at random things, like a flower, or someone giving me a present, or my sister giving me a nice hug.

At Cambridge, it was the weirdest culture. Everyone pretended they didn't do any work, yet it was so competitive.

I don't why I was bullied. I was quite shy and skinny. Very nerdy, very bookwormish. I think I was just a target.

I'm always interested in telling stories that have a message because I really do believe that film is so powerful.

I'm absolutely loving being part of Bondiana, and that not only am I a Bond girl, but I get to be an agent as well.

I never ever thought that I would be in a Bond film, ever, which is weird because I grew up loving these amazing movies.

I can't impersonate someone. That is not what I do. I can only take someone's essence and create a character out of that.

I would never wear anything too revealing. I'm not a fan of dresses where you look nude... I think that looks a bit desperate.

Be open and honest, but perceptive to your boss's situation. That's my advice to graduates worried about working with a new boss.

I think my roles have been wonderfully varied. Not one has been racially stereotypical, and I have purposely chosen them like that.

There weren't really any visible men in my family when I was growing up, but of course there have been men in my life, wonderful men.

Education opens the door to everything in terms of having a career and an impact on society and not being a slave to your job, really.

I always find filming stressful. I get very caught up thinking about my character - 'Am I doing it right? Should it be done this way?'

Hollywood 'friends' are only after one thing. They're looking out for the next big thing, and they don't want to miss out on you just in case.

[I like to cook] Shepherd's pie, which is a classic British dish. But my version reflects my Jamaican roots, because I add jerk to it as well.

For some reason I just lack that ability to be embarrassed about going up to people. I even do it for friends if they want to ask someone out.

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