Grab somebody sexy, tell the hey!

Fear is a healthy part of success.

With Jay-Z, it's hard not to be amazing.

When you're dressing on a budget, simplicity is key.

Huge 'Scandal' fan, and I have been since the beginning.

I've been a huge Adele fan since I heard her album '19.'

There's a whole advantage being an executive as an artist.

I watch cartoons the way most adults watch reality-TV shows.

There is no pain like the first time you get your heart broken.

Me and Drake gonna be neighbors if Donald Trump becomes president.

Doing as much as you can for as long as you can - that's the motto.

Michael Jackson believed in making music that made people feel good.

Ms. Clinton - Mrs. Clinton, I should say - she's a favorite of mine.

I do not cook. However, if I did, I'd cook all Italian food, all the time.

Beyonce's the kind of artist where you're not gonna see it till it's right.

I'm gonna be honest: I was never really a fan of techno music, dance music.

I want to connect with my fans the way Mary J. Blige's fans connect with her.

I grew up in Las Vegas. My mom worked in pretty much every casino on the Strip.

I don't want to call myself a perfectionist because perfection is imperfection.

I don't want to call myself a perfectionist, because perfection is imperfection.

The unfortunate thing about this planet is that we are in no shortage of ignorance.

My mom has always been a caregiver, and she's perfect in this role leading my foundation.

I feel like my music is for everybody. As long as the music is good, I can please everybody.

I would've given my right arm to do something on the 'Ray' film, the movie about Ray Charles.

I feel like everything is inspired by something else. There is no 100 percent original thought.

Auto-tune is good to keep your notes intact, but it doesn't do much for the feel of your voice.

What is hot now will not be hot tomorrow, I promise you. Trends are made to die. It's the truth.

Every song I've ever written has been based in reality, based in fact, things that happen to me.

Getting involved with the Boys and Girls Club helped keep me and my sister from getting in trouble.

We are in a good place. Her name is Crystal Renay. She has much promise. Yes, much promise. Quality.

I'm 100% real, even when what's real is ugly. I don't take any pride in covering up, hiding and lying.

The essence of being a gentleman is to understand the way you're supposed to treat a respectable woman.

My style is mainly about comfort. It has to be comfortable, it has to lay right on me, know what I mean?

I pride myself on being the type of artist who can work half in the R&B world and half in the pop world.

I'm good but not great at 'Madden'. I have friends that their whole life is based around this video game.

For those people who want to keep following trends, you do that and when the trend goes away so will you.

For the first few years of my life my mom used to cut my hair so there were a lot of bowl-cut hair styles

For the first few years of my life my mom used to cut my hair so there were a lot of bowl-cut hair styles.

I sing because I love singing. I perform because I love performing. I write because I actually enjoy writing.

It's really rare that an entire genre of music allows an artist from a different genre to come and live there.

Sexy as she wanna be and she dancing next so close to me. I said please excuse, you steppin on expensive shoes.

You kinda don't know what's going to make a good song. You've got to shoot around in the dark for a little while.

If you believe in yourself, it doesn't matter what others might be telling you is impossible. It's all up to you!

The story of 'Libra Scale,' the storyline was created first, and then the music was created around the story line.

I like to learn through doing. Let me make a mistake, and then critique me on what I did so that I learn that way.

I'm the type of guy to put the water on the stove and then walk away and 10 seconds later be like, 'Come on, boil'!

You know what? At this point in my career, at this point in my life... I'm 34 years old; I don't have time to be hiding.

What I definitely learnt from Michael Jackson is that simple is almost always better. As a songwriter, as an artist period.

I have my diehard R&B fans on one side of the spectrum and my diehard pop and dance fans on the other side of the spectrum.

I feel there is always room for good music. I want to reach people's soul with my lyrics through whatever vessel God chooses.

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