I'm happy to help the team win.

I sometimes should be more decisive.

It's good for me to stay at Chelsea.

It is my club, I am a Chelsea player.

I have always been discreet in my life.

I made the right choice to come to Chelsea.

Win, win, win. We will fight for everything.

Whatever you did in the past is quickly forgotten.

I am happy to make my debut in the Champions League.

I think I can improve in my attacking role, I can do more.

The main thing is how we play and how we work in training.

We seem to have some quite good 'FIFA 17' players at Chelsea.

I think Eden did an amazing job, had an amazing time with Chelsea.

I came to Chelsea to work, to keep learning and to keep improving.

It is good to win awards but the most important is to win together.

I try to speak with my team-mates a lot because I need them everyday.

I know how it feels to handle the pressure and keep working for the win.

I have worked with different managers in the past and different systems.

Among the clubs that most wanted to recruit me were Marseille and Leicester.

There have been beautiful achievements of winning titles with my team-mates.

We have some great players at Chelsea and the most important is the goal to win.

I've seen new experiences and new challenges every year. I take them step by step.

I got my qualification in accountancy, but now I prefer to concentrate on football.

I am at Chelsea and I still have aims here, what is said elsewhere is not important.

To represent one's own country is one of the biggest achievements a footballer can get.

When I first went into the senior game I was more of an attaching player to begin with.

When I arrived at Chelsea, I was at Leicester and I had just won my first title with a club.

I am not a superstar or an ego. I am just the same as I always was: Someone who plays football.

To win the World Cup in our colours was beyond my dreams and something I will never, ever forget.

I need to keep improving tactically, defensively and offensively for the last pass, the last shot.

It's a huge honour to be named player of the year... and I want to thank everyone who voted for me.

It is true that I receive a lot of praise and that is flattering. But I try not to let it affect me.

I can't be the same as another player. I am just my way and I will try to improve on that at Chelsea.

We have to work together for the good of the team, for trying to win games. That is what we train to do.

I grew up just as my friends did until 19 before leaving home, and it's because of that I am who I am now.

My first season in English football was very special. I hope to go on to achieve even more as a Chelsea player.

I saw Claude Makelele play in the French national team but before when he played at a club I didn't watch him a lot.

I've never been someone who loves a car and when I was young I didn't have the ambition of a car or something like that.

I try not to get carried away and to only focus on the team goals to keep winning, to keep performing to the best I can.

With Arsenal there was an interest but not a big as other clubs. That is why I didn't go to Arsenal and went to Chelsea.

I am lucky to get the ­opportunity to play for France and that alone is a huge motivation for me, whenever I go on the pitch.

I don't want people paying too much attention about what I am outside of football, what I'm doing, and asking: 'Who is N'Golo?'

I am how I am. I cannot explain it well, but I don't feel the nicest person, on the football pitch or in life, I'm just myself.

Playing in the Champions League is a big dream of mine. When you are a player and have a chance to play in it, it's a good thing.

Sometimes I can help the team to score, to make the last pass or to get more chances and try to score. Maybe I can do this more often.

For two or three years I played on the wing, when I went to Boulogne in 2011, I started playing in the middle as a central midfielder.

The Premier League is a competition that suits me, which is perhaps more praise to myself. It's more direct, more rhythmic than Ligue 1.

There have been a lot of French midfielders at Chelsea, but they did it their way and I do it my way and I hope I can do good things at Chelsea.

When we have to defend, I just try to recover the ball for the team because it's important, but I always try to go forward when we have the ball.

I give my best for my team-mates. At Leicester it was like that and everyone was focused for the title and we did it. Here at Chelsea it's the same.

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